Use Two Factor Authentication

Two Factor Authentication (2FA) is an alternative method for LMS access, enabling registered users to efficiently and securely restore forgotten login credentials without administrative intervention.  This page contains information on how students set up Challenge Questions and use 2FA to access the LMS.

Step by Step Procedure and Field Description

If your portal administrator has enabled Two Factor Authentication, upon first login, you will be required to establish challenge questions for use in future instances of login difficulty.

Setting Up Challenge Questions

Once 2FA is enabled, the first time a user logs into the LMS they will be required to set up two Challenge Questions on the Personal Security Questions page. The questions available are a standard list provided by Latitude.

  1. Select two Security Questions and provide your Answers in the free text fields below each question. When using them to access the LMS, these answers are not case-sensitive.
  2. Click Submit. The questions and answers will be stored with your account information.

To modify your Challenge Questions and answers at any time after your first login, if access is allowed by your portal administrator:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. In the Classic user interface, open My Details tab. Under the General Information section, make desired modifications to questions and answers.
  3. From the Responsive user interface, use the Navigation menu to select Account. It will show the same options shown on the Classic My Details page.
  4. Click Submit.

Using 2FA When You Forget Your Username

If you can’t remember your LMS username, you may have difficulty resetting your password, which requires such information to identify your account. If Two Factor Authentication is enabled, it provides you a process for getting into the LMS without contacting your administrators.

To access your LMS home page using Two Factor Authentication:

  1. On the login page, click Forgot Username. This will only appear for portals that have enabled the feature. If you do not see this, check with your portal administrators. They may have requested customized terminology.
  2. The “Need more help” popup window appears and requires information that can be used to identify your account. These entries are not case-sensitive, but must otherwise match your account data exactly.
    • Enter your First Name and Last Name as they appear in your LMS account.
    • Enter your Location Code or Email, depending on your portal’s 2FA Configuration. The location code represents your profile location in the LMS. If you have multiple profiles, the system will look for the specified location in all of them. If you must enter your email, it must be the address associated with your LMS account.
    • Click Submit.
  1. Once your account is identified, you must answer both Security Questions and then click Login.
  1. The system will then require you to set up a new password.