Roles and Access to LMS Functionality

Roles are used to define the functions a user can perform at the organization levels to which they are assigned. While the LMS Reporting Hierarchy determines which people a manager sees, role assignment controls which LMS features a user can access. User profiles require a role assignment, so it’s possible to control where and what a user can do with their assigned privileges.

Feature Overview and Requirements

There are seven pre-configured roles available in every LMS. Starting with the complete “Portal Administrator” tool set through the simplest, lowest access “Guest” experience. Each will be defined in more detail below. 

They are broken down into three categories:

  • Administrators – This includes the roles Portal Administrator, Administrator, Location Administrator, and Instructor. These four standard administrator roles provide access to an Administration page, with a scoped feature menu based on the role. Administration roles also have access to the Favorite Tools option, in which they can create a list of their most used activities for easy access on the main administration page.
  • Managers – This includes the role Location Manager.  This role has greater access than the Student role, but is not required to manage others. It is Position or Person-to-Person relationships that make someone a manager of others with oversight into their training activities.
  • Learners – This includes the Student role and the highly restricted Guest role.


Role functionality can be customized to fit your business needs. Portal Administrators who are interested in updating their LMS Roles to include non-standard features should contact our ClientCare team with the details of the request to receive an estimate.

Roles and Their Access

Administrator Roles

Portal Administrator

The portal administrator role can perform all customer-available functions of the LMS, including site management and data configuration.

The Portal Administrator role grants users access to all LMS tools, and therefore is reserved for those authorized to manage system setup and hosted content. Portal Administrators create and manage key records, including organization structure, courses, and user accounts. To exercise full rights in the LMS, they must have this Role assigned to their Company level profile.

These are the people in charge of implementing the LMS, and making business decisions. They have a deep understanding of training objectives, and a broad understanding of how their LMS is configured to meet those goals. This role provides a set of Site Management tools that automate processes, control administrative workflows, and customize the learning experience.

Portal Administrators support their own LMS users with built-in troubleshooting tools, and sometimes contact our ClientCare team for assistance.

They can control the look and feel of the LMS via Site Management tools:

  • Edit HTML Content – Manage customizable content areas (Login page, Home page “Welcome” area, left navigation menu and quick links areas), as well as the set of pre-populated blank HTML pages, to tailor instructions, supplement navigation, and build your own set of program pages.
  • Edit Stylesheets – Update default stylesheet information, incorporate your own corporate and/or program branding, or select from ready stylesheets to quickly redesign your site.
  • Edit Images – View and manage your LMS image collection, and easily replace logo information during rebranding.
  • Edit Messages – Customize your system-generated email messages, such as new user registration and course enrollment confirmations, to reflect your organization’s unique voice and communication style.
  • LMS Information – View detailed information about your LMS Subscription and configure portal-wide settings.
Define and manage foundational structures and hierarchies:
  • Organizations – (Company > Business Unit > Division > Location) This default structure is used to scope and segregate user communities, course catalogs and resources.
  • Positions – Define a set of superior and subordinate position relationships to group users into a unique hierarchy that drives managerial oversight of employees.
  • Departments – Group multiple positions into a single department to improve user tracking and reporting features. 
Create and manage key course and resource catalogs:
  • Courses – Create Self-Study, eLearning, Classroom and Assessment courses to share with one or multiple Business Units. Organize these catalogs into Majors, or a defined set of “‘Featured Courses” by location. Even link courses into a Series, with established Prerequisite and Equivalency rules, to create standard training programs.
  • Offerings – Schedule when and where Classroom or Virtual Classroom courses are offered. Enroll users in Offerings, and after the class, manage Rosters to record attendance for the student’s training history. Create and manage Locales, and the set of Facilities servicing those training areas, to reserve rooms and allocate equipment for training events.
  • Resources – Create a collection of documents, media files and links designed to support the learning process. Share them with one or more Business Units to create searchable catalogs, or deep-link resource content into courses and customized content areas.
Add, Edit, Impersonate User Accounts
  • User / Profile Management – Create new user accounts, each with a default Student-user profile tied to a Location. Edit a user’s profile with Role and Position assignments to enhance access rights and/or oversight of others for a given organization. Add secondary profiles to allow a single user to serve in different capacities, such as Instructor or Administrator, across your organization.
  • Instructor Profile – Use the Add Instructor option to generate a pool of teachers for your Classroom courses. Then manage Instructor Profiles to include the list of courses these users are authorized to teach and the facilities they use most often.
  • User Impersonation – Employ the “View Home Page” and “Impersonate User” options to navigate the LMS from the viewpoint of any user with a subordinate Role assignment. You can also transact activities on another user’s behalf  (such as launching a course, running a report, viewing subordinate employees, and checking pending approvals) in order to troubleshoot issues and provide first-line user support.
Oversee pending approvals and conduct mass course enrollments for eligible users:
  • Approvals – View, approve or deny queued course enrollment, interest and user self-registration requests for organizations and employees you oversee.
  • Enroll Others – Utilize the picking system to select targeted groups of users by organization, role, position, even ad-hoc user group assignment; then batch-enroll them (if eligible) into a targeted course or learning program.
Assess the health of ongoing training activities with broadest access to standard reports:
  • Course Reports – Report on course consumption, as well as compliance driven enrollment and completion activity. Plus, report on activity tied to direct bill transactions (and credit card e-commerce if enabled) for your tuition-based courses.
  • User Reports – User counts, login activity, as well as detailed transcript audits
  • Organization Training Reports – Organization-specific health and activity reporting
  • Ad Hoc Transcript Report – Design a report to generate targeted user transcript histories
Communicate with users using the integrated messaging system:
  • Announcements – Utilize existing organization, role, position and user group assignments to select and target users for communications using email addresses on-file.
  • Edit Messages – Edit, brand, and otherwise manage the more than 30 system-generated messages that automatically notify students, managers, and administrators when certain system events are scheduled and when specific training activities take place.
Manage other key site and training activities, as well as add-on toolsets enabled for your LMS:
  • Distributions – Define visibility and access to classroom course offerings.
  • Subscriptions – Add Subscription programs as a collection of courses only made available to specific organizations (i.e clients, franchises, stores) within your LMS.
  • Certification Management – Design certification and curriculum programs; then assign them to a set of Position Groups as training goals. Define skill profiles (skill areas and levels of mastery), as well as program duration and electives vs. requirements.
  • User Groups – Create ad hoc groups of users (regardless of role, position, organization assignments) for the purpose of ongoing communication, enrollment management and reporting.
  • Interests – Utilize demand forecasting and track recorded interests in courses or offerings that may not be available to certain sets of users in your LMS.
  • E-Commerce – Manage your PayPal account credentials.
  • Discounts – Provide users Discount Codes to promote enrollment in tuition-based courses.
  • Self-Registration – Manage site-wide and location-level self-registration settings, including default end dates and maximum registration counts.


The Administrator role grants access to most training administration tools, EXCEPT Site Management’s LMS configurations.

It allows portal administrators to delegate tasks that cannot be automated, like sending announcements or providing end-user support. While Administrators, by default, have “view only” access to user records, they are trusted to assign training goals, coordinate live training events, and approve new registration requests for their organization units.

This role should only be assigned to those responsible for administering training from the upper levels of your organization structure.

Note: If the Manage Users feature is enabled, portal administrators can delegate user maintenance activities to Administrators and Location Administrators. See the Delegate User Management to Administrative Users page, listed under Useful Links.

Location Administrator

Location Administrators can manage and report on training activities within an organization.

They have access to a short list of powerful tools that enable them to support training managers and track compliance status. This role is usually assigned at Location level profiles, allowing users to manage training plans, run reports, and coordinate resources for a single organization.

These training professionals should use the My Team dashboard to make their day-to-day tasks easier.

Note: If the Manage Users feature is enabled, portal administrators can delegate user maintenance activities to Administrators and Location Administrators. See the Delegate User Management to Administrative Users page, listed under Useful Links.


The Instructor role is responsible for conducting live training events in person or online, from scheduling course offerings to recording user attendance. 

LMS users who teach instructor-led courses should be assigned the Instructor role. This role allows them to review course interest lists, schedule class offerings, conduct live training sessions, and process rosters. Instructors can also assist portal admins in managing classroom training facilities, rooms and equipment within their assigned organizations.

The Instructor role opens access to LMS configuration options and administrative tools focused on the following areas: 

  • Approvals – View, approve or deny queued course enrollment, interest list and user self-registration requests for organizations and employees you oversee.
  • Certification Management – View and administer training program Goals (Certifications and/or Curriculums) for students you manage.
  • Courses – View courses made available to your assigned organization. Use the Enroll Others feature to assign coursework to students individually or in batches.
  • Classroom Offerings – Schedule when and where existing Classroom or Virtual Classroom courses are offered. Enroll users in Offerings, and after the class, manage Rosters to record attendance for students’ training history.
  • Distributions – Define user visibility and access to classroom course offerings.
  • Facilities – Create and manage the set of Facilities servicing the instructor’s designated training areas. Designate rooms and equipment to facilities, which are then reserved when a classroom Offering is scheduled.
  • Interests – Use demand forecasting and track recorded interests in courses or offerings that may not be available to certain sets of users in your LMS. This feature could help determine when and where to create offerings.
  • Course Reports – Report on course consumption, as well as compliance-driven enrollment and completion activity.
  • Resources – View the catalog of documents, media files and links designed to support students throughout the learning process.
  • User Impersonation – Employ the “View Home Page” option to navigate the LMS from the viewpoint of any user you oversee as an Instructor. You can also transact activities on another user’s behalf  (such as launching a course, running a report, viewing subordinate employees, and checking pending approvals) in order to troubleshoot issues and provide first-line user support.
  • User Profile – View an employee’s basic account information, User Group assignments and Training History on demand.
  • Instructor Profile – Manage Instructor Profiles to include the list of courses these users are authorized to teach and the facilities they use most often.

Along with Portal Administrators and Administrators, Instructors have the ability to override some enrollment conflicts, including those for unmet prerequisites. However, the scope of access for this role varies greatly depending on the task being performed. For instance, an Instructor with a profile tied to a location will find that approvals, course search and user search are all tied to their Location. Facility management, interest approval and resource search are tied to the Business Unit level. Offerings, instructors and some reports can be searched across the entire Company, but can only be edited with user, course or facility information tied to the Business Unit/Location/Locale assigned to said Instructor. It is important that your instructors understand how the LMS works and which duties they are authorized to perform.

How to Add an Instructor

Portal Administrators have the right to assign the Instructor Role.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Users > Add Instructor, or by editing the target user’s account and manually adding the Role to a user’s new or existing profile.
  2. On the Add Instructor form, provide information about the instructor. Asterisks (*) in the form indicate a required field.
    • User: Use the Select a User picker to search for and select the designated user.
    • Training Facilities: Use the Select Facilities picker to assign physical and virtual facilities from which the selected user will teach.
    • Instructional Languages: Designating the languages in which the instructor can teach. Note: Instructors can only be assigned courses that match these language selections.
    • Qualifications and Availability: These are optional internal note fields that are only visible to portal administrators.
    • Courses: Use the Add Courses picker to assign the classes that the instructor will teach.
    • Billing Rates: Internal notes fields here are seen by portal administrators only.
  3. Click Submit. You will then be taken to the user’s account and the Instructor Profile tab.

The Instructor Profile

On an instructor’s account, there is an additional “Instructor Profile” tab on which you can manage all of their instructor-related information. Portal Administrators will find this tab when they are editing the user account. Instructors must use the My Learning Center to select Users > Search Instructors in order to view/edit their own or others’ Instructor Profile.

Manager Roles

Location Manager

Location Managers often develop employee training plans and track team progress toward compliance.

This role relies most heavily on the My Team dashboard, where a number of LMS features help Location Managers oversee their list of employees, assign training goals, and track team progress toward compliance. Assign this role to your floor managers, the people responsible for enforcing company training standards. They are granted five team management tools — each with a unique set of data filters, result summary graphs, and quick action buttons.

People are listed with their reporting profile details. Expand each user record to view the employee’s training plan and highest certification achievements.

Goals are displayed with User, Due Date, and Status information. Watch your team’s to-do list move from Assigned to Achieved as people complete their certification and course goals.

Accreditations are listed by Name and Program Year, providing achieved transcript counts and a shortcut to the goal assignment wizard. Employees are grouped by their status in each accreditation, expressed as an assignment or achievement with an Accreditation Progress bar and course drill-down options.

Skills are competency-based learning programs set up using the Curriculum option under Accreditations. This is where a person’s training history and job performance can certify their professional knowledge and abilities. Skill Profiles display not only the number of certified employees in each Skill Area, but also who has been assigned goals for each Skill Level, and who is best qualified to tackle the next level.

Approvals page presents user requests for new account registration, self-study completion approvals, security lockouts, interest list additions, or course enrollments. Approve or deny such requests with the click of a button.

Learner Roles


Student is a role assigned to every user in the system. It establishes the base-level privileges to log in and complete training. It represents the base level of user access rights in LatitudeLearning. Every user in the system is assigned the Student role, allowing them to log in and get training.

In fact, learners are the vast majority of LMS users, responsible for consuming training materials and completing assignments. While the student experience is very customizable, they can usually search both Course and Resource catalogs, enroll in and launch courses they are eligible to take, as well as view the Training Calendar to register for live training events. Students can check their training schedule at-a-glance from the Courses to Complete page, tackle certification objectives from the Skills page, and print Certificates of Completion from their Training History .

The vast majority of users are students, responsible for consuming training materials and completing assignments. While the student experience is very customizable, they can usually search both Course and Resource catalogs, enroll in and launch courses they are eligible to take, as well as view the Training Calendar to register for live training events.

Students can check their training schedule at-a-glance from the Courses to Complete page, tackle certification objectives from the Skills page, and print Certificates of Completion from their Training History.

Student Profile Setup

As you manage any user account, remember that a user Profile must contain each of the following elements:

  1. ORGANIZATION – Users function within a specific level of your organization structure: Company, Business Unit, Division or Location. By default, all new accounts are created with a Location-level profile, ensuring that login and transcript activity are easily recorded and reported in the LMS. Adding profiles at organizations higher in the hierarchy will grant a user access to data in all subordinate units of that structure.
  2. POSITION – A user’s Position Code represents their job or title. LatitudeLearning uses Position codes not only to categorize students, but also to assign training Goals, determine Department membership, and even customize the user experience. Their place in the hierarchy of position code relationships will determine a user’s ability to manage others, regardless of Role assignment.
  3. ROLE – Roles are used to define the functions a user can perform in LatitudeLearning. While the LMS Reporting Hierarchy determines a manager’s team members, Role assignment controls which tools a user can access based on their training responsibilities.

The Add User process generates a student profile at their Primary Location. From there, a Portal Administrator can assign additional Organizations, Positions, and Roles that grant access to additional user management and training administration tools.

Core Features

Our customizable Navigation Page offers students a mobile-friendly, task-oriented menu with feature icons. 

  • Courses To Complete page lists a user’s required and in-progress training activities. Sort the course list by clicking the quick filter tabs at the top of the page, which may include any combination of Required, Enrollments, and Interests. 

    Action buttons will display according course type, enrollment settings, and your personal training status.  

  • My Goals displays a student’s individualized training plan, with a detailed list of certification and course assignments. Watch their to-do list move from Assigned to Achieved as they complete each training milestone.
  • Certification plans are listed with requirement descriptions and the user’s current compliance status. Learners must meet all certification rules to certify their competency. 

    Required courses are color coded according to user transcript status. Use course action buttons to start training.

  • Skills are competency-based learning programs, where both training history and job performance can certify your professional knowledge and abilities. Skill Profiles define, as a matrix, one or more areas of expertise (Skill Areas) and the varying levels of competency within those areas (Skill Levels).

    View your achievements in each Skill Profile, your next training goals, and the certification requirements for each skill level.

  • Course Search  allows a user to search for courses available to them, according to their profile organizations. Students can enroll in self-paced coursework, or schedule their next live training session.
  • Resources  are curated educational materials that support the learning process, such as PDF documents or videos. Students can peruse the entire Resource Library, or use search criteria to refine the list.
  • Messages are designed to systematically notify users of new course enrollments, changes to their account information, and other training activities. LMS administrators can also send important announcements here, so students should check it often.
  • Training History stores a user’s course and certification transcripts. Students come here to check their training status, view scores, and print certificates of completion.

    They can also save and share their training history by exporting transcript data into Excel, PDF, or CSV files.

  • Account page allows users to update basic information and login credentials: First Name, Last Name, Preferred Language, Address, User Image, and Password.


This role is only used with public course catalog integrations, which require purchase of a special add-on to the LMS. Do not assign people this role if your organization is not using the public catalog option. They will not be able to use the LMS appropriately.

Rights Available Regardless of Role

Manage People

It is important to remember that any LMS user who is assigned a supervisory Position Code or is set up as a Person-to-Person Manager will gain access to the “My Team” dashboard. Dynamic information feeds and functions enable managerial oversight of all users assigned to the same Organization with direct reporting relationships. 

My Team was designed with data scoping mechanisms to handle the nuances of data security in reporting hierarchies where learners may report to one or more Location Managers, via direct or indirect relationships:

  • Navigation icon displays only for users who manage others. This tool is not available to most students.
  • User Profile assignments determine the data a person can view or edit. While this tool allows users to manage people across multiple organizations, each component will filter and scope results to the level of oversight granted at each individual profile.
  • Role assignment determines access to a set of functionality within the My Team dashboard. For example, Portal Administrators can manage goal assignments in ways a Location Manager cannot.

All five team management tools — People, Goals, Accreditations, Skills, Approvals — come with a tailored Filter component, allowing you to refine the list of records displayed. Some also provide options to export your filtered list to Excel, CSV, or PDF format. Read all about dashboard functionality here on the My Team page, found under Useful Links.

Appendix: Administrative Role Matrix

Portal Administrator
(has all options below)
Administrator Instructor Location Administrator
Approvals Any person with subordinates has approval privileges that are scoped only to those people in their purview.
Approve Pending Enrollments X X X
Approve Interests X X X
Approve Pending Self-Registrations (New User Account Requests) X X X
Add / Edit Accreditations      
Search Accreditations X    
Manage Goals      
Add / Edit Goal Rules      
Assign Ad Hoc Goals / Review Goals  X – on My Team if enabled  X – on My Team if enabled  X – on My Team if enabled 
Course, Resources, Topics      
Add / Edit Courses      
Search Courses All Roles can Search Courses.
Add / Edit Offering X X  
Search Offerings X X
Add Resources      
Search Resources All Roles can access Resources.
Add Topics      
Search Topics      
Enroll Others X X X
Manage Teaching Schedule   X  
Training Calendar All Roles can view the Training Calendar.
Transcript Edit      
Transcript View X X X
Locations / Organizations      
Add / Edit Organization      
Search Organizations X Locations  
Add / Edit Facilities      
Add Interest X X  
Review Interests Summary X X  
Review Interests Graph X X  
Report Writer      
Run Reports All Roles can run Classic and Report Writer Reports that are delegated to the role. Report results are scoped to the position and location of the person running it.

Add / Manage Users

X – if Manage Users is enabled   X – if Manage Users is enabled
Search Users X X  
Instructors X X  
Impersonate Users      
Audience / User Groups     X
Add Audience      
Use Audience in queries and batch enroll X X X
Add User Groups      
Search User Groups X   X