Process Past Course Offerings

Portal administrators can add transcripts manually to update offering attendance after the offering is closed. They can also create offerings in the past to enroll students and process their completion so that their history is correct.

Feature Overview and Requirements

Portal Administrators are the only LMS users who can use the “Add a New Transcript” form to create ad hoc history records for students who attended training, but were not part of the original roster or who took training outside of the system that needs to be documented for history. 

Other options for updating transcript history include the Transcript Import process. It is described in a document linked in the Useful Links section.

Step by Step Procedure and Field Description 

Manually Add a Transcript for Past Attendance in a Classroom Course

  1. From the Administration menu, select Users > Search Users and conduct a search based on user information.
  2. Click Edit User Profile for the account to which you want to add training history.
  3. From the “User Details” page, select the History tab.
  4. Click Add a New Transcript.
  1. Complete the Add Transcript form as described below, noting that all required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). The are also highlighted in green in the image below.

Transcript Section

  • Course*: Populate the course related to the transcript you are adding.
  • Enroll Date*: Enter the date on which the student enrolled. This can be the same as the Score Date.
  • Score Date*: Enter the date on which the transcript status was achieved or the user’s score was recorded.
  • Location*: Select which profile Location is related to this transcript, if more than one is available. This field defaults to the user’s Primary Location assignment.
  • Instructor: Record who instructed the offering related to this transcript.
  • Status*: Select the user’s completion status. For a past offering, the common completion statuses are: Attend(Pass), Attend No Bill(Pass), or Fail.
  • Written/Practical/Final Test Scores: Populate any numeric scores you want to ssociate with the transcript.
  • General Note: Provide notes that you want to associate with the Training History or Transcript Audit process. In these cases, an explanation of the reason for adding a transcript manually can provide clarity in the future if data is reviewed or audited.
  • Expiration Date: Enter a date that expires or inactivates a transcript, if desired.

Transcript Documents Section

  • Name: Enter a title or brief description of the transcript-related document being attached to the record.
  • File Path: Attach an external file to the transcript record. 
  1. Click Submit to save changes. A message at the top of the page will confirm when your transcript has been successfully added.

Create or Re-Open a Past Offering and Manage the Roster

To add attendance for an existing past offering that is closed:

  1. From the Administration menu, select Courses > Search Offerings and update the filters to find offerings that are closed. 
  2. Select the offering to be updated. 
  3. Continue with Step 2 in the process below.

To record past attendance for a classroom offering that took place offline or was otherwise unscheduled in the LMS, you can use existing Roster Management functionalities to add training history to multiple user profiles. You must first add a course Offering scheduled in the past, and then manage the Roster in the same manner used to manage a current or future Offering. 

  1. To create a new offering, from the Administration menu, select Courses > Add Offering. For detailed instructions on creating new offerings, please see related document under Useful Links.
  2. After editing or creating an offering, use the Enroll Others option to select and add targeted users to the Roster. Detailed instructions are found in the related document under Useful Links.
  1. Once you have enrolled students in an offering that occurred in the past, navigate to the Process Roster tab.
  2. From the Process Roster tab, select a transcript Status for each student.
  3. If relevant, add a Pretest score or Posttest score.
  4. Enter Notes about the student transcript to explain its addition for historical purposes.
  5. After entering the appropriate information, click Process All to process the roster.
  1.  Next, a system message ask you to confirm you want to proceed. Select Yes to process the roster or No to go back.
  2. Upon processing the roster, a system message confirms that all users have been successfully processed and grants the option of closing the offering. Click Yes to complete the process and record the new transcript as part of these users’ history.