Resource Categories

Portal Administrators can refine their resource catalogs by creating categories in which resources are organized into logical groupings.

Feature Overview and Requirements

Portal Administrators can refine their resource catalogs by creating categories in which resources are organized into logical groupings. For example, resource categories may align with Course Majors or specific user audiences (i.e. ‘New User’ Category that includes resources titled ‘LMS Help’, ‘FAQs’, and ‘Policies & Procedures’).

Step-by-Step and Field Descriptions

To create a new resource category:
  1. From the Administration menu, select Resources > Add Category.
  1. Enter the category Name.
  2. Enter a Description of the category.
  3. The Searchable radio button determines whether a category is searchable by all users (set to Yes) or only visible to Administrators (set to No). If you select No, the category will not show up in a Student-user search from Resources > Search Categories, but the individual resources are still searchable and visible at the resource level. Therefore, category search results may differ between Student and Portal Administrator views.
  4. Click Add Resources to open a picker and assign existing resources to the category. Select the checkbox under the Delete column to remove a resource from the category.
  5. Click Submit to save changes.
To modify a resource category:
  1. From the Administration menu, select Resources > Search Categories.
  2. Select the entry you want to edit and make the desired changes.
  3. Click Submit to save.