Course Major

Majors are used as a grouping mechanism to organize courses within a catalog. Categorize your courses by training topic or departmental program. This document describes how to add a major, manage major records, and utilize majors in course catalog search tools.


You can add a course major from the left navigation menu, by clicking Course Support => Add Major. Here are key parameters that appear on the Add Major form. Please note that asterisks (*) in the form indicate a required field.


  • Owner Organization: Select one or more organizations that will have access to this major. Course and resource sharing occurs at the Business Unit level. Only courses affiliated with the selected organization may be added to this major.
  • Code: Enter a unique code that identifies the major
  • Language: Indicate the language used in course material. You must first save the entry in English, then provide translated versions.
  • Name: Enter the name of course major.
  • Description: Optional free text entry field to describe course major.
  • Ordinal: Indicate the order in which the major should appear when listed; the lower the number, the higher it appears on the list.
  • Status: Indicate the status of the major, either Active or Inactive. 

Click Submit to complete the process. The window will refresh and display an “Add successful” status message to confirm the updates.

Edit Majors

To update an existing major, select Course Support => Search Majors from the left navigation menu and conduct your search. 

  1. From the list of results, click on the linked Major Name to open the record for editing.
  2. The Edit Major page is similar to the Add Major form, where you can make changes to the categorical information. Note: Only LMS administrators with sufficient access rights may find and edit a major from the same Business Unit.
  3. Click Submit to save.

The window will refresh and display an “Add successful” status message to confirm the updates.

Search Courses by Major

Majors are a required element in course creation. Therefore, every LMS comes with a default “COMPANY Shared Major”. Any LMS feature that offers a Search Course or Course Picker option (e.g. Enroll Others, Training Calendar) will offer “Major” as a filter criterion.




  • When using this standard structure, you can add or inactivate BUs, Divisions, and Locations as needed with the following restrictions:
    • You must always have at least one active organization at each level in an unbroken chain leading up to the Company level. For instance, at least one active location must be tied to an active division, which must be tied to an active BU.
    • Never inactivate a BU, Division, or Location if the organizations and/or users below it are active. This orphans the users below the inactive level and can sever the connection between users and the course catalog, which is retained at the Business Unit level.
    • Never inactivate a BU, Division, or Location tied to your primary/default Portal Administrator profile. You will lose your system access.
  • It is not necessary to mirror your company’s legal business structure. The organizations in your LMS should be set up to optimally organize your students for the purpose of training and to report on training progress. If you do not plan to do training reporting by organization and it is not important to you to dissect training data by business unit, division, or multiple locations, you can keep it simple by assigning users to a single or limited number of “virtual” locations.


  • Feature Overview and Requirements
  • Step-by-Step and Field Descriptions
  • Use Cases and Examples
  • FAQs


Frequently Asked Questions

Why didn't my SCORM package load?

Please review the requirements in this section to ensure your file is LMS-compliant.

Why are students having problems completing a course?

If your course launches correctly in the LMS, but all or some users are having difficulty getting a successful completion, these are common issues:

  • The LMS window and the course content “launch” window/tab must be open concurrently. If a student closes the LMS window, the SCORM engine cannot properly update score and status.
  • Any interruption in network connectivity while a student is taking the course can interrupt or disconnect communication of status between the LMS and the course.
  • Course configuration in the authoring tool may be problematic:
    • Success/completion factors are not being fully met by the student. Making them aware of the success factors or helping create navigation and workflows that guide them toward full completion can help.
    • The student does not navigate or exit the course in a way that triggers submission of final status or score to the LMS. For instance, if a final “Finish” button submits scores to the LMS but the user simply closes the course window.
    • Publishing settings such as “Report status to LMS as” can cause issues with the LMS and may need to be altered if initial attempts fail. These are the settings that tell the system to report as “Passed/Incomplete”, “Passed/Failed”, “Complete/Incomplete”, etc. Using “Passed/Incomplete” is usually successful.