Portal Administrators and Instructors can search for users and view their training history. Portal Administrators can also edit a student’s training history by adding or inactivating transcripts and editing them to update status, scores, or leave notes about changes to the transcript.
To migrate a large volume of training history without manual data entry, you can use the Transcript Import feature, found under the Administration > User menu, to add up to 10,000 records per upload.
Editing options under the History tab display for Portal Administrators only. They include the Edit button, which allows them to modify or expire an existing transcript, and the Add a New Transcript link for manually adding a transcript to the user’s history. Use of these options is explained in the sections below.
Note: Managers without administration rights can view their employee’s Training History from the Navigation > My Team > People page in a couple of ways:
Sometimes it becomes necessary to edit a user’s existing transcript. Common reasons include the need to:
To edit an existing transcript:
Portal Administrators are the only LMS users who can utilize the “Add a New Transcript” form to create ad-hoc history records for students. This feature allows administrators to manually create a transcript for an existing course in the catalog, or for a course that was completed outside of the LMS and needs recognized as equivalent credit for an existing course. With this process, the new transcript becomes part of the user’s permanent training history.
To add a transcript: