Default message templates contain generic texts and are sent from our account to recipients via email and on the user’s Mail Center (Classic Home Page) or Messages page (Header and Navigation page). This document provides an overview of the “Edit Messages” feature as well as detailed instructions on how to customize LMS messages to better serve your organization and your users’ needs.
There are two types of messages delivered from the LMS:
Messages are directed to users at different levels depending on the purpose of the message. The message’s targeted level can determine whether or not the message must be configured to CC a student’s manager or whether it will go to them automatically. The targets of each message are noted in the Appendix.
For the most common system-generated messages, such as those confirming course enrollments or password resets, both Email and Messages components have been enabled by default. You should consider both types when making changes so that information is presented to users in a consistent manner.
It is possible to activate or inactivate messages, by each delivery type, at any time.
All LMS messages contain default content that is not customized to refer to your organization, your portal, or its organization-specific branding. Users who receive these messages may be confused about who sent it, what it means, and what they are supposed to do next. For a portal administrator, it can also mean that users replying to the automated message aren’t being directed to you or your help desk, but to Latitude Support, who may not be prepared to answer questions like “Why did you enroll me in this course?”, “Who changed my password, because I didn’t?”, or “Why was my request denied?”
By customizing your message texts and updating the From: and Reply To: email addresses, you will not only make these communications clearer for your users, but can also help ensure that you are the first to know when they have questions or problems related to a message.
Example of standard, non-customized message for “Self-Registration – Process Completed.”
The same “Self-Registration – Process Completed” message, customized for a specific portal.
To edit LMS messages and manage automated notification settings, from the left navigation menu, select Site Management > Edit Messages. This section documents your options from the “Customize Messages” main page, providing techniques that apply to all messages in the list.
The main page shows a list of all available system messages. For most, there are two types: Email and Message Center. Each type shows the current status of the message, a Customization indicator, and Action buttons to (1) Customize the message or (2) View Default, which shows the system default version maintained by Latitude. If “Yes” appears under customization, that particular message has been customized for at least one organization.
To customize the content of a message, modify its distribution, or change its sent by/reply to information, click Customize next to the Event and Message Type you want to change.
In the Customize organization selection pop-up, you can choose which organization level you want to establish the customization.
To change just the Company level message (A) and have it apply to your entire LMS, select the top level organization or expand additional levels (B) to find lower level organizations. Subordinate organizations inherit customizations from the next organization up the hierarchy that is customized. The Customize checkbox (C) allows you to quickly filter to only those organizations or hierarchy levels containing customized messages. You can only edit one organization level at a time. Click Customize (D) to move to the customization page.
On the Message Customization page, options for editing messages are described below. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. After completing your changes, click Submit to apply them. To exit without saving changes, click Return to List.
NOTE: In order for your email address to be used as sender, Latitude must work with your IT administrator to update your Domain Name Server (DNS) to authorize our domain – – as an approved sending host. This network requirement helps minimize “spoofing” where an email is sent by one organization on behalf of another without approval. This security setting was previously known as the Sender Policy Framework (SPF), and has been adopted as an easy and effective method to help in the protection of unauthorized senders.
If you have extensive changes to make to your messages, such as adding a new default From: or Reply To: email address, you can contact to request help in doing a mass update. Depending on the size of the effort, this could be a fee-based customization. Once we understand the scope of your needs, we can determine that and provide an estimate.
Create custom messages in the Body section of the page, as shown and described below. You can edit using the Rich Text editor and its array of formatting buttons and tools, or directly in the HTML code by clicking Source. Customization can make the message more meaningful for users within your organization.
Some recommendations:
<p><img alt=”” src=”” style=……….
In messages that contain links to course codes or course names, you can add HTML code that allows a course slide-in page to open when the user clicks the link.
For more information, refer to the document Adding Slide-Ins to Certain HTML Pages and Messages. This will only work in the Message Center versions of the message. Since the course slide-in is related to the newer responsive user interface (UI), we recommend not employing this for portals using the Classic/legacy UI in order not to confuse student who have no experience with slide-in pages.
You can easily change or delete custom messages.
Message Event | Allowable Dynamic Placeholders |
Accreditation Goal Achieved |
[Participant], [CertificationName] |
Alternate Manager – Assignment Due Advance Notification Target: User’s Alternate Manager (person-to-person reporting only) Trigger: Uses “Days Before Due Date” settings to notify student’s alternate manager the appropriate number of days prior to the student’s assignment due date |
[Participant], [StudentAndCourseList] |
Alternate Managers – Assignment Notification Target: User’s Alternate Manager (person-to-person reporting only) Trigger: Sent to an alternate manager when training as been assigned to their students |
[Participant], [StudentAndCourseList] |
Alternate Managers – Assignment Overdue Notification Target: User’s Alternate Manager (person-to-person reporting only) Trigger: Sent to a student’s alternate manager if an assigned course has not been completed by the due date. This message will send for up to 60 days if the student does not complete the requirement before that. |
[Participant], [StudentAndCourseList] |
Course – SCORM Content Deletion Failed Target: Performing Portal Administrator Trigger: SCORM package deletion failed |
[Participant], [CourseNumber], [CourseName], [Date], [PackageLanguage] |
Course – SCORM Content Deletion Succeeded Target: Performing Portal Administrator Trigger: SCORM package deletion success |
[Participant], [CourseNumber], [CourseName] , [Date], [PackageLanguage] |
Course – SCORM Content Deployment Failed Target: Performing Portal Administrator Trigger: SCORM package deployment failure |
[Participant], [CourseName] , [CourseNumber] , [Date], [UserFullName], [PackageLanguage] |
Course – SCORM Content Deployment Manifest Load Failed Target: Performing Portal Administrator Trigger: System failure to load the SCORM manifest of an uploaded course |
[Participant], [CourseName] , [CourseNumber] , [Date], [UserFullName], [PackageLanguage] |
Course – SCORM Content Deployment Max Retries Reached Target: Performing Portal Administrator Trigger: Failure of a SCORM package to deploy after the system attempts 3 times without success |
[Participant], [CourseName] , [CourseNumber] , [Date], [UserFullName], [PackageLanguage] |
Course – SCORM Content Deployment Succeeded Target: performing Portal Administrator Trigger: SCORM package successfully deploys |
[Participant], [CourseName] , [CourseNumber] , [Date], [UserFullName], [PackageLanguage] |
Course Enrollment – Batch Enrollment Completed |
[CourseSection], [ResultMessage], [TotalUsersCnt], [SuccessfulEnrollmentsCnt], [WarningEnrollmentsCnt], [IneligibleEnrollmentsCnt], [SuccessfulEnrollmentsList], [WarningEnrollmentsList], [IneligibleEnrollmentsList] |
Course Enrollment – Due Date Reminder Target: Student Trigger: Uses “Days before Due Date to Remind Students” course setting to trigger reminders on the specified days prior to the due date. |
[Participant], [CourseNumber], [CourseName], [UserFullName] |
Course Enrollment -Late Cancellation Notification Target: Student Trigger: Student’s enrollment in an offering is cancelled during the late cancellation period when a fee may be assessed |
[Participant], [CourseNumber], [CourseName], [OfferingDate], [LateCancelFee] |
Course Enrollment -Past Due Date Target: Student Trigger: The course due date passes without completing the course. This is based on the course-based Days Due calculations |
[Participant], [CourseNumber], [CourseName], [UserFullName] |
Course Enrollment – Request Denied Target: Student Trigger: Manager denies request to enroll in an approval-required course |
[Participant], [CourseName] , [CourseNumber] , [Facility], [Sessions], [UserFullName] |
Course Enrollment – Request Made Target: Student Trigger: Student enrolls in a course requiring management approval |
[Participant], [CourseName] , [CourseNumber] , [Sessions], [UserFullName] |
Course Enrollment – Student Cancelled Enrollment Target: Student Trigger: Student cancels enrollment in a course |
[Participant], [CourseName] , [CourseNumber] , [Facility], [Sessions], [UserFullName] |
Course Enrollment – Student Enrolled – Instructor-Led Target: Student Trigger: Student successfully enrolled in a classroom or virtual classroom course offering |
[Participant], [CourseName] , [CourseNumber] , [CourseDescription], [Facility], [Sessions], [ActionUser], [UserFullName], [LinkToClassroom], [LateCancelDays], [LateCancelFee], [NoShowFee], [MapToFacility], [FacilityDirections], [FacilityContact], [FacilityPhone], [FacilityFax] |
Course Enrollment – Student Enrolled – Self-Paced Target: Student Trigger: Student successfully enrolled in a course that is not instructor-led |
[Participant], [CourseName] , [CourseNumber] , [CourseDescription], [ActionUser], [UserFullName] |
Course Enrollment – Student Waitlisted Target: Student Trigger: Student is added to a waitlist for a course offering |
[Participant], [CourseName] , [CourseNumber] , [Facility], [Sessions], [CourseDescription], [CourseNotes], [UserFullName] |
Course Enrollment – Upcoming Training Reminder Target: Student Trigger: Sent based on established due date reminders set on the course or offering |
[Participant], [CourseName] , [CourseNumber] , [Facility], [Sessions], [CourseID],[UserFullName] |
Course Goal Removed Target: Student Trigger: A course goal is deleted or waived |
[Participant], [CourseName], [UserFullName] |
Course Offering – Admin Cancellation Target: Students and Instructors Trigger: An administrator cancels an offering in which the target is enrolled |
[Participant], [CourseNumber], [CourseName], [SectionName], [Facility], [Sessions], [UserFullName] |
Course Offering -Announcement Made Target: Students enrolled in Offerings Trigger: Initiated on-demand by the administrator or instructor, from the Offering – Messages page. |
[Participant], [AnnouncementText], [CourseName] , [CourseNumber] , [Facility], [Sessions], [ActionUser], [CourseDescription], [CourseNotes], [OfferingDescription], [OfferingNotes], [UserFullName] |
Course Offering – Cancelled Target: Student Trigger: An administrator or manager cancels an offering in which the target is enrolled |
[Participant], [CourseName] , [CourseNumber] , [SectionName], [Facility], [Sessions], [UserFullName] |
Course Offering – Incomplete Notification with Fee |
[Participant], [CourseNumber], [CourseName], [OfferingDate], [IncompleteFee] |
Course Offering – Ineligible Notification with Fee Target: Student Trigger: Student marked “Ineligible” during offering roster processing if a fee will be assessed. |
[Participant], [CourseNumber], [CourseName], [OfferingDate], [IneligibleFee] |
Course Offering – Instructor Assigned Target: Instructor Trigger: An instructor is assigned to teach an offering |
[Participant], [CourseName] , [CourseNumber] , [SectionName], [Facility], [Sessions], [UserFullName] |
Course Offering – No Show Notification Target: Student Trigger: Student marked “No Show” during offering roster processing |
[Participant],[CourseName] , [CourseNumber], [OfferingDate] |
Course Offering – No Show Notification with Fee Target: Student Trigger: Student marked “No Show” during offering roster processing if a fee will be assessed. |
[Participant], [CourseNumber], [CourseName], [OfferingDate], [NoShowFee] |
Course Offering – Schedule Changed Target: Students enrolled in an offering Trigger: A change occurs in an offering’s schedule |
[Participant], [CourseName] , [CourseNumber] , [SectionName], [Facility], [Sessions], [Room], [Changes], [UserFullName] |
Course Offering Cancellation – Minimum Enrollment Not Met (Instructors) Target: Offering-specific Instructor list Trigger: The system cancels an offering because the minimum enrollment has not been met |
[Participant], [CourseName] , [CourseNumber] , [SectionName], [Facility], [Sessions], [UserFullName] |
Course Offering Cancellation – Minimum Enrollment Not Met (Students) Target: Students enrolled in an offering Trigger: The system cancels the offering because the minimum enrollment has not been met |
[Participant], [CourseName] , [CourseNumber] , [SectionName], [Facility], [Sessions], [UserFullName] |
Data Imports – User Import Failed Target: Portal Administrator Trigger: The user import has failed to process |
[Participant], [UserFullName] |
Data Imports – User Import Succeeded Target: Portal Administrator Trigger: The user import process has successfully completed |
[Participant], [UserFullName] |
Data Import – Transcript Import Failed Target: Portal Administrator Trigger: The transcript import has failed to process |
[Participant], [UserFullName] |
Data Import – Transcript Import Succeeded Target: Portal Administrator Trigger: The transcript import process successfully completed |
[Participant], [UserFullName] |
Direct Manager – Assignment Due Advance Notification Target: Direct manager of student Trigger: Directly-managed student is overdue on completing assignment |
[Participant], [StudentAndCourseList] |
Direct Manager – Assignment Due Notification Target: Direct manager of a student Trigger: Directly-managed student has been given an assignment |
[Participant], [StudentAndCourseList] |
Direct Manager – Assignment Overdue Notification Target: Direct manager of a student Trigger: Directly-managed student has not completed a goal assignment by the due date. This message will send for up to 60 days if the student does not complete the requirement before that. |
[Participant], [StudentAndCourseList] |
General – Announcement Made Target: Users specified in using Announcement feature. Trigger: Manual generation of message via the Announcements feature from the user interface. Note: Never remove these parameters. Avoid CC/BCC for this message to prevent excessive duplicate/cyclical distributions. Any texts or images placed in the message configuration here will ALWAYS show on the announcement when sent. If you place your entire message here to format it, you must enter a minimum of 1 character on the Announcement message body to get past the required field. Remove custom messages after finished to avoid them being pulled into others’ messages in the future. |
[AnnouncementText], [UserFullName] |
Goal – Error Goal Assignment Schedule Run Target: Performing Portal Administrator Trigger: Scheduled goal rule failed to run due to errors |
[Participant], [AutoAssignRuleName] |
Goal – Goal Assignment Schedule Ran Target: Performing Portal Administrator Trigger: Scheduled goal rule ran successfully |
[Participant], [AutoAssignRuleName] |
Goal Assignment Due Date Reminder Target: Student Trigger: Sent based on Due Date Reminder settings on Goal “Training Goal” step. This is not the same as the Days Due available to set on the course itself. It means achievement of the overall goal is coming due. |
[Participant], [GoalList] |
Goal Due Date Changed Target: Student Trigger: The Due Date for a Goal has been changed |
[Participant], [GoalName], [GoalDueDate] |
Location Performance Objectives Import Completed Target: Performing portal administrator Trigger: Location performance objectives import was successful |
[Participant] |
Location Performance Objectives Import Failed Target: Performing portal administrator Trigger: Location performance objectives import was not successful |
[Participant] |
Location Performance Import Partial Target: Performing portal administrator Trigger: To confirm the results of the import |
[Participant] |
Manager – Self-Study Certification Completion Notification Target: Manager Trigger: A review/approval is needed for a student’s self-study completion. In the parameters, Action User is the student who is requesting approval. |
[Participant], [Action User], [CourseNumber], [CourseName] |
Manager Cancellation Target: Student Trigger: Student’s manager cancels their enrollment in a course |
[Participant] |
MTR Import Completed Target: Performing Portal Administrator Trigger: Minimum Training Requirement Import successfully completed |
[Participant] |
MTR Import Email Sent Via SSIS Target: Performing Portal Administrator Trigger: Minimum Training Requirement Import results generated |
No parameters available |
MTR Import Failed Target: Performing Portal Administrator Trigger: Minimum Training Requirement Import failed |
[Participant] |
New User Welcome Target: New users or users returning after one year Trigger: New user added to the LMS manually or via User Import. This is off by default for portals existing prior to implementation of this message. Those wishing to activate it should who are currently using the message Student – Login Credentials Added/Updated as a welcome message may want to review and coordinate the content now that there are separate messages. This message can include the person’s Username, but the Password parameter is not available for security purposes. |
[Participant], [UserFullName], [Username] |
Payment – Credit Card Payment Made Target: User who processed the payment Trigger: User paid for tuition-based course using a credit card (if e-commerce is enabled in the LMS) |
No parameters available |
Report Results Error Target: Performing User Trigger: Report generation fails due to errors |
[Participant], [UserFullName] |
Report Results Ready Target: Performing User Trigger: Report generation successful and results are available |
[Participant], [UserFullName] |
Self-Registration – Request Approved Target: Requesting User Trigger: A manager or administrator has approved the request for an LMS account. Requires portal configuration to allow self-registration and to require approval for it. Managers will only be CC’d if they meet the role/position requirements established on the message configuration. |
[Participant], [UserFullName] |
Self-Registration – Request Denied Target: Requesting User Trigger: A manager or administrator has denied the request for an LMS account. Requires portal configuration to allow self-registration and to require approval for it. |
[Participant], [UserFullName] |
Self-Registration – Request Made Target: Portal Administrator or Manager Trigger: A student has requested new account access to the LMS via the self-registration page. By default this message is NOT sent to anyone unless the following is set up – a) a default position must be set on the LMS Information page b) relevant Manager roles must be set to CC on the message configuration. The message will send to all managers at the location who have the correct role and a position directly superior to the LMS Default Position. |
[Manager], [Participant], [Username], [UserFullName] |
Self-Registration – Request Processed Target: Requesting User Trigger: User successfully registers for a new account via the self-registration page. Requires the following: a) portal configuration to allow self-registration must be turned on by Latitude b) requiring Self -Registration Approval on the LMS Information page c) a default position must be set on the LMS Information page d) relevant Manager roles must be set to CC on the message configuration. |
[UserName], [UserPassword],[UserFullName] |
Student – Accreditation Expiration Notice Target: Student Trigger: An Accreditation achievement has expired and they no longer meet the requirements to maintain achievement of the accreditation (e.g. course credit expired, changing accreditation requirements, etc) |
[StudentName], [CertificationName], [ExpirationDate] |
Student – Assessment Completed Target: Student’s Manager Trigger: Student completes an Assessment type course successfully |
[Participant], [StudentName], [ScoreDate], [CourseCode] , [CourseName], [TestScore] , [UserFullName] |
Student – Assignment Accreditation Overdue Notification Target: Student Trigger: An assigned Accreditation-based goal is overdue. This message is delivered up to 60 days after the due date if the student has not completed the assignment. |
[Participant], [CertificationList] |
Student – Assignment Due Advance Notification Target: Student Trigger: Uses a course’s Days Due and Days Due Notification settings to notify a student on the appropriate number of days prior to the student’s course completion due date. This is not related to goals/goal rules. |
[Participant],[CourseList] |
Student – Assignment Notification Target: Student Trigger: A student is assigned a training goal |
[Participant],[CourseList] |
Student – Assignment Overdue Notification Target: Student Trigger: Student does not complete an assigned course goal by the due date for achievement set on the goal itself. This is not the same as a due date for completing individual courses. |
[Participant],[CourseList] |
Student – Course Completed Target: Student Trigger: Successful completion of a course |
[Participant], [CourseName], [CourseCode], [ScoreDate], [Score], [TranscriptLink], [UserFullName] |
Student – Course Credit Expiration Notice Target: Student Trigger: The transcript for a course has been manually expired by the portal administrator or by the system based on the course’s setting for Transcript Expiration Days. |
[Participant], [CourseNumber], [CourseName], [TranscriptExpirationDate], [RelatedCertList], [UserFullName] |
Student – Course Credit Expiration Reminder Target: Student Trigger: Sent the appropriate number of days prior to course expiration based on the course’s setting for Days Before Transcript Expiration to Remind Student. |
[Participant], [CourseNumber], [CourseName], [TranscriptExpirationDate], [RelatedCertList], [UserFullName] |
Student – Course Failed Target: Student Trigger: Student receives a failed status upon course completion. For assessments with multiple test attempts, the failed message will be withheld until the final attempt is failed and the status is considered permanent. |
[Participant], [CourseName], [ScoreDate], [Score], [UserFullName] |
Student – Curriculum Completed Target: Manager Trigger: Student successfully completes a curriculum |
[StudentName], [CertificationName], [UserFullName] |
Student – Login Credentials Added/Updated Target: Student Trigger: Student credentials are added or modified |
[Username], [UserPassword], [UserFullName] |
Student – Password Reset Target: Requesting user Trigger: User requests a new password from the login page Forgot Password link |
[Username], [UserPassword], [UserFullName] |
Student – Self-Study Certification Completion Request Denied Notification Target: Student Trigger: Their approval request for self-study completion is denied |
[Participant], [CourseNumber], [CourseName], [CancellationReasonsLabel],[CancellationReasons] |
Student Password Notification Target: Student Trigger: Password is updated |
[Participant], [Username], [UserPassword] |
User Cancelled by Substitution Target: Student enrolled in an offering Trigger: Admin or manager substitutes a different student in their place on the roster, cancelling their enrollment in it |
[Participant][CourseName] |
User Group Import Target: Performing Portal Administrator Trigger: Successful processing of a User Group Import |
[Participant] |
User Group Import Failure Target: Performing Portal Administrator Trigger: Failed processing of a User Group Import |
[Participant] |
User Inactivity Deactivation Target: Student Trigger: Sent the appropriate number of days prior to user deactivation based on the LMS Information page settings Maximum Allowed Days Since Last Login and Days Prior to Deactivation to Send Reminders. |
[Participant], [AccountDeactivationDate] |
User Login Reminder Target: Student Trigger: Sent to users who have not logged in |
[Participant],[UserFullName] |
User Profile Updated – Quick Profile Update Target: Student Trigger: Student profile has changed via the Quick Profile Update process |
[Participant],[UserFullName] |