Impersonate Others

 User Impersonation is a unique and powerful troubleshooting capability provided in LatitudeLearning® which allows portal administrators to view the LMS experience from other users’ perspectives.

Feature Overview and Requirements

By default, Impersonation is only available to users assigned the Portal Administrator role and is generally used for:

  • Advanced end-user support – Temporarily “become” any LMS user with a subordinate Role assignment, taking on their rights and oversight based on Role, Position and Organization assignments tied to the target user’s profile. You can also transact activities on another user’s behalf  (such as launching a course, running a report, viewing subordinate employees, and checking pending approvals) in order to troubleshoot issues and provide first-line user support.
  • Previewing and testing content or navigation – Impersonate users with different Role, Position, and Organization assignments, and then navigate the LMS through the eyes of that user to ensure the account setup and system is functioning properly.

Step by Step Procedure and Field Description

To impersonate a user, you must first locate their account.

  1. From the Administration menu, select Users > Search Users.
  2. Enter search criteria to narrow the search results, or leave all fields empty and click Search to yield all active users in the organization.
    • Select a known user by typing their first name, last name, or username into the User field at the top of the page and click Impersonate to get started.
    • Or, from the list of filtered users, click Impersonate under Actions.
  1. A pop-up box will appear to confirm your action and notify you that the LMS is logging all activity in the background while impersonation is underway. If the user has profiles tied to multiple locations, select the desired location from the Impersonate at Location drop-down list and then click OK.

You will be taken to the user’s Home page, and the system will function as if you were logged in with that user’s credentials, listing their name in the upper right corner. Work with caution while impersonating others. Changes you make, even enrollments, cancellations, and other actions will affect their account in real time.

  1. When you are finished, click the Remove Impersonation icon in the LMS header to return to your own profile and functionality.

Not seeing the Impersonate option? There are several reasons the Impersonate button may not be visible to a portal administrator:

  • The user account is inactive.
  • The user is a Portal Administrator and cannot be impersonated by someone with the same role.

Portal administrators who do not have a company-level profile with full administrator rights will only have the right to impersonate users under their organizational purview.