Favorite Tools Editor

The Administration page offers a Favorite Tools feature that allows Administrative-level users to build an ordered, easy-access list of the LMS pages they use most. 

Feature Overview and Requirements

The Administration page has a Favorite Tools feature that allows each user to build an ordered list of LMS pages they use most. Using simple drag-and-drop technology, training administrators can create a personalized navigation menu that is mobile-friendly and accessible any time from the global header.

To get started, click Administration  in the LMS header. The Administration page displays your “My Learning Center” navigation menu, plus single-click access to all pages listed as your Favorite Tools.

Access to each LMS feature is determined by a user’s highest Role assignment, so users will only be provided Favorite Tool options already visible to them in their “My Learning Center” menu.

Step-by-Step and Field Description

To set up Favorite Tools:

  1. From the Administration menu, click the Edit button to the right of the Favorite Tools section.
  1. There are two columns on this page: Hidden and Displayed. By default, all tools are hidden. To create a favorites list, drag and drop items into the “Displayed” column, in your desired list order.
  2. Click Save. Your Favorite Tools list will then display on the Administration page in the order selected.

Access to each LMS feature is determined by a user’s highest Role assignment, so users will only be provided Favorite Tool options already visible to them in their “My Learning Center” menu.