Changes made on this page will affect all users and it is not currently possible to customize the Navigation menu for specific roles or individuals, although the visibility of some displayed icons will still be restricted by a user’s role and place in the managerial reporting hierarchy. For instance, users who do not have subordinates will not see My People or Approvals, even if they are enabled. Users who do not have roles that support Reports access will likewise be unable to see the Reports options.
Learn more about the various icons available by reviewing Navigation and the Student/Manager Interface. This document is useful for new customers and for long-term customers who are considering a transition to the responsive interface or are training managers and students how to use the interface.
The Displayed Icons will then appear on the Navigation menu and on the Navigation page in the order selected (left top to right bottom). You may need to refresh your page or clear your cache to see the changes.
For portal administrators with paid user- or enrollment-based subscriptions to the LMS, there are three support-related icons displayed by default on the Navigation menu. They do not appear for non-portal admininstrators.
For Managing Portal Administrators who have a number of additional users with a Portal Administrator role for whom they do not wish to allow the ability to manage tickets or contact Latitude directly, you can hide these support icons on this Edit Navigation page. All of these options are available to subscribing portal administrators via other means and our ClientCare team is happy to help you define access to support in the manner that best meets your needs.
For displayed Navigation items that offer a Feature Management button, like Manage Users and Course Search, you can open up options for configuring the related page for the student and/or manager experience.
If displayed, this allows portal administrators to delegate some User Maintenance features to users with a Location Administrator or Administrator role. By default, all options are set to Show, which means the administrative user can see and view the feature on the Manage Users page. To disable, or hide, an option from the adminstrators, switch the toggle to Hide. For more information about the options available, please refer to Delegating User Management to Administrative Users.
If displayed, portal administrators will be able configure the Course “Type” filters on the Course Search page. They can use “Checked” to set the default types used in a course search. If there are course types that are not used in a portal, such as Classroom or Virtual Classroom courses, the portal administrator can toggle the “Show” option off so that this option doesn’t appear for anyone on the Course Search filters. The image below shows Virtual Classroom course types unchecked by default and hidden from the filter list completely.