This document explains how to use the Goal Rules Setup Wizard to define user criteria, select one or more training goals, name the Goal Rule, and schedule it for processing. The wizard guides portal administrators through each step of the rule creation process, providing simple navigation options and ensuring correct configuration along the way.
Learn how managers can use the similar Assign Goals process to assign their employees personalized training plans by reviewing the Assigning Your Employees Goals in the Useful Links section
To add a Goal Rule, navigate to the Administration menu >Manage Goals > Goal Rules, and then click +Goal Rule.
Existing Goal Rules are displayed with standard action buttons: Run, Edit, Copy, Delete. Click +Goal Rule to add a new one.
To retire a rule without deleting historical goals from the database, edit the goal and update the Schedule Range to inactivate it with an end date in the past. Schedule Range and Frequency can be used to configure training plans, then roll out assignments at a future date or on demand.
Goals assigned by rules cannot be deleted, only waived. Deletion of a rule-based goal would only cause the rule to re-assign the goal after its next scheduled or on-demand run. A waived goal remains on the student’s record so that the scheduled rule does not reassign the requirement every time it runs.
The processes that turn goals into interests are now configured to run almost instantaneously after the goal is assigned for both Accreditation- and Course-based goals, regardless of whether they’re assigned by rules or on an ad-hoc basis.
Once the interests are created, processing time into enrollments will vary depending on the queue of requests. Enrollments must go through standard eligibility checking to determine if the student qualifies to take the course.