Add Classroom Courses and Offerings

Classroom courses are designed to function as Instructor-Led Training (ILT), either in a physical location or via webinar using a preferred web meeting application. Offerings are scheduled instances of a classroom course. This page covers the basic process of using them.

Feature Overview and Requirements

After creating a Classroom course, a Portal Administrator or an authorized Instructor can create Offerings. Students can then use these Offerings to enroll in the course for a specific date, time, and location. If you have our add-on Virtual Classroom license, many of the same options apply to the Virtual Classroom Delivery Type.


To learn about creating Classroom courses and Offerings, review the step-by-step information below.


This document assumes a prerequisite knowledge of course creation basics. It will only reference those points relevant to Classroom courses and Offerings. If you need to review the common elements of the Add Course functionality, please read the linked document “Add a New Course to the LMS.”

Step by Step Procedure and Field Description

STEP ONE: Create a Classroom Course

When adding a new Classroom course, the Add Course form can be completed in much the same manner as for any other delivery method. The specific points to consider in setting up a Classroom course are:

  1. In the Add Course form, for the Delivery Method field, select Classroom.
  2. Complete the desired portions of the special sections added for this delivery method:

    Offering Defaults
    – Minimum Number of Students: Minimum number of enrollees required to hold the offering
    – Maximum Number of Students: Maximum number of enrollees allowed in offering
    – Maximum Students per Location: Maximum number of enrollees allowed from any given location
    – Require Attachments to Close Offering: Enable requirement to attach a document (e.g. scanned sign-in sheet) to close the offering
    – Days in Advance to cancel if Minimum Enrollment Not Met: Number of days in advance of start date that offering will be cancelled if minimum enrollment is not achieved
    – Waitlist Cutoff Days: Days prior to start date after which students cannot be added to the waitlist and students on the waitlist will not be auto-enrolled into the offering
    – Cancel Days: Days prior to the start date after which the enrollment cannot be cancelled
    – Late Cancel Days: Days prior to the Cancel Days setting during which a late cancellation fee may be assessed 

  3. When the Add Course form is complete, click Add Course.
  4. In the confirmation pop-up window, determine your next step by indicating whether you:
    • Are Finished: You remain in the Course Details for the new course and can continue editing. The tabs “Offering Defaults” and “Offerings” become available.
    • Want to schedule an offering: Takes you to the Add Offering form for the new course.
    • Want to add another course: Takes you to a new Add Course form.

STEP TWO: Identify Qualified Instructors

Once a course is set up, you can identify which Instructors are qualified to teach the course by editing the instructor profile for designated users. See the linked document, Instructor Role – Access Rights and Functionality, for details on adding Instructors.

To assign the new course to an existing Instructor:

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Users > Search Instructor and use filters, as needed, to generate a list of instructors.
  2. Choose a qualified instructor from the list and click on their Username to open the Instructor Profile tab in their user profile.
  3. Under the Instructor Profile tab, click Add Courses and use the Course Picker to find and add the new course to the list of courses the person is qualified to teach.
  4. Click Submit.

Repeat this process, as needed, for other potential instructors. Note: Relating Instructors to courses or offerings is optional. However, if you select an Instructor to teach a course that is not included in that Instructor’s profile, the system will prompt you to add said course to the list he is qualified to teach. 

STEP THREE: Create an Offering

Any time after the Classroom course is set up, LMS administrators can create Offerings — scheduled presentations of the course — and open them for enrollment. Portal Administrators can create offerings for any organization in their LMS. Instructors and Administrators are limited to the organization levels they oversee, according to their profile assignments (i.e. Company, Business Unit, Division or Location).

To create an Offering:

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Courses > Add Offering. You can also add offerings directly from a course’s Course Details page by opening the Offerings tab. All existing offerings are displayed in a list. Click Add New Offering.
  2. On the Add Offering page, click Select a course and use the Course Picker to find and add the course related to the offering.
  3. After the course name loads into the Add Offering page, click Submit and Continue
  4. The Add Offering form opens. Complete the form, including all mandatory fields (marked with an * asterisk). Key fields are described below. See online help for additional field descriptions. Some fields will populate based on the offering defaults set at the course level.
  • Language: Select the language in which the offering information will be presented.
  • Instructional Language: Select the language in which the course will be taught.
  • Training Type: Select whether the course is offered by location, corporate, or via a partner.
  • Description: Text that is specific to this particular offering.
  • Administration Notes: Text that displays for administrative uses and Instructors, but not potential or enrolled students.
  • Enrollment Restriction by Audience: Required, single value only. Restricts enrollment to users who are part of the selected audience at the time of enrollment. Defaults to No Restriction. Failure to meet the membership requirements results in a hard conflict that can only be overridden by a Portal Administrator, Administrator, or Instructor. At the offering level, the Audience can be modified for a specific offering to vary from what is set as a default for the course.
  • Minimum Number of Students: Define the number of enrollments required for an offering to be held.
  • Maximum Number of Students: Set the number of seats available for each course offering.
  • Days in Advance to cancel if Minimum Enrollment Not Met: When properly configured, offerings in which the Minimum Number of Students have not enrolled can be automatically cancelled. Enter the number of days prior to scheduled offering that it should be cancelled. Students enrolled in an auto-cancelled offering and the Instructor(s) scheduled to teach it will be notified of the cancellation.
  • Maximum Students per Location: Limit the number of enrollments allowed per organization. Number cannot be greater than Maximum Number of Students for the offering. Locations can set more specific limits and the location will be limited by the lowest maximum between the location and offering setting.
  • Instructors: Click Select Instructor. Use the Instructor Picker to search for and select one or more instructors for the course offering. The instructors shown are qualified to teach the related course.
  • Admin Instructors: Click Select Admin Instructor. Use the Picker to search for and select one or more instructors who are not shown as teaching the course but should have access to help administer the offering.
  • Auto Enrollment: Select whether auto-enrollment should be applied to the offering.
  • Facility: Click Select Facilities to search and select the facility in which the course will be held. If the facility has associated rooms or equipment, you will also be able to select them. Note: Offering times are based on the timezone registered to the Facility chosen here. For more information, see related document: Create and Manage Training Facilities.
  • Link to classroom: Field used to provide the link for users attending a webinar, such as WebEx or JoinMe. For more information on using Offerings to schedule webinars and online meetings, see related document: Conduct Online Meetings and Webinars with Classroom Course Offerings.
  • Require Attachments to Close Offering:  If enabled, this will require an attachment be added to the Offering’s Attachment tab before the offering can be closed. Attachments can be uploaded prior to the offering for use by the instructor or after, to attach items like scanned attendance sheets.
  • Offering Enrollment Start Date: Date when students may first begin enrolling in this offering.
  • Offering Enrollment End Date: Date when students are no longer allowed to enroll in this offering. Enrollments outside these dates can only be overridden by a Portal Administrator, Administrator, or Instructor.
  • Waitlist Closed: Number of days prior to scheduled offering a student can still be added to the Roster Waitlist. Students will not be auto-enrolled from the waitlist after this day.
  • Waitlist Expires: Number of days before or after the first meeting time the waitlist for the offering will be cleared. Student’s enrollments on the waitlist will be cancelled from the offering.
  • Cancel Days: Number of days prior to scheduled offering a student enrollment can be cancelled.
  • Late Cancel Days: Days prior to the Cancel Days setting during which a late cancellation fee may be assessed.
  • Late Cancel Fee: Fee assessed for cancellations occurring in the Late Cancellation period. A system message to the user “Course Enrollment – Late Cancellation Notification” – may be configured to notify the user that a fee may be assessed.
  • No Show Fee: Fee assessed for students marked as “No Show” during roster processing after the offering takes place. A system message to the user “Course Offering  – No Show Notification with Fee” – may be configured to notify the user that a fee may be assessed.
  • Incomplete Fee: Fee assessed for students marked as “Incomplete” during roster processing after the offering takes place. A system message to the user “Course Offering  – Incomplete Notification with Fee” – may be configured to notify the user that a fee may be assessed.
  • Ineligible Fee: Fee assessed for students marked as “Ineligible” during roster processing after the offering takes place.  A system message to the user “Course Offering  – Ineligible Notification with Fee” – may be configured to notify the user that a fee may be assessed.

    This diagram illustrates how the Late Cancel and Cancel Days work before the offering Start Date and the points at which fees, if established, would be assessed.

  • Meeting Times Section: Start, End Dates, and Times are required. Select a Room if one is available for the selected Facility. If the course spans over a weekend, check the Weekdays Only box to exclude the weekend from scheduling.
  • Distribution Section: Allows offering enrollment to be limited to a particular subset of users, either customized for the offering or assigned by a predefined Shared Distribution.  Defaults to All Users. NoteStart Date and End Date under “Restricted Distribution” have been moved and renamed Offering Enrollment Start and End Dates in the General offering configuration section.
  • Reminder Messages Section: Determine whether students and instructors should receive reminder messages and, if so, how many days before the offering. Enter “Days before start date to send” using whole numbers separated by commas. For example, reminders for 5 days and 3 days would be entered as 5, 3. The Additional Note will be part of the message and could include information about directions, parking, materials to bring, and other things the students should know.

Learn how to update your meeting times, set automated reminders, and more on the Manage Classroom Course Offerings page.