Add and Edit Users Manually

When users are not maintained by integration to an HRIS or SSO, one way to manage adding or updating users is to do so manually. Learn how here.

Feature Overview and Requirements

By default, only portal administrators have the ability to add users and maintain their profiles. In some cases, when a customer’s user data is maintained by a regular import or API connection between their HRIS and the LMS, manually maintaining data that is already maintained automatically can cause changes to be overwritten.

Before adding users, understand any feeds/imports used by your organization and to what extent manual updates will remain untouched by the feed. Portal Administrators also have the ability to delegate manual user management to users assigned the Location Administrator and Administrator roles. This is managed by displaying the Manage Users feature on the Site Management > Edit Navigation page. 

Location Profiles Are Key

All users must have at least one primary Location-level profile in place for access to the LMS in order for the system to track user training, access to course catalogs and accreditations, and capture training history. Also, many of the standard LMS Reports focus on user transcript and login activity by Location.

Step by Step Procedure and Field Description

Adding a User

  1. From the Administration menu, select Users > Add User.
  2. Fill out the appropriate fields on the Add User form, which are described in the subsections below. Note that asterisks (*) shown on the form indicate a required field. 

General Information Section

    • Username: The system requires a unique username for each user record in the LMS. Consider using the person’s email address or establishing a naming convention for this criteria (e.g. company name_first initial, last name).  This can also help you identify a particular user’s record at a glance. Field character limit: 100.
    • First Name and Last Name are required fields.
    • Email: It is important to register a regularly accessed email account, as the LMS uses this email address for a range of system generated notifications (e.g. enrollment notification, wait list confirmation) and communications from managers and administrators.
    • Upload New Image: Click Choose File to browse for and select an image to upload for the user. The file must be under 10 MB in size. All images will be proportionally centered in the displayed area but images of approximately 100 pixels square work best. If no image is selected, the user thumbnail placeholder remains. Users also have the ability to maintain their own user image.
    • Preferred Language: Select the user’s preferred language. The LMS supports English, Chinese, Canadian French, Mexican Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, and German.
    • Organization:  Select the location to which the new user will be assigned within the organization hierarchy. This ensures that the user can successfully log into the LMS and that authorized administrators will be able to impersonate this user during support activities. If there is a default Location set on Site Management > LMS Information, the value will appear here. Additional organizational profiles may be added to the user at any time after creating the user.
    • Position: Select the user’s position. The LMS uses Position assignment to define a hierarchical reporting structure in your portal. If there is a default Position set on Site Management > LMS Information, the value will appear here.
    • Password: Portal Administrators can enter a predefined password or have the system auto-generate a new password by checking the appropriate box. Passwords must be at least 8 characters in length and must contain at least one each of the following: upper case letter, lower case letter, and number. Special characters are supported.
    • Prompt Password Reset: Select to force the user to create a new password upon a successful first login.
    • Notify User: When “Yes, notify user of the new account” box is checked, the system will automatically send the user an email with their new credentials and instructions on how to access the LMS.

Additional Information

  1. Fill out the required field in this section and any optional ones you wish to use.
    • Effective Date and End Date – These dates represent the effective date range for a user’s master record in the LMS. They may differ from Profile Effective and End dates, which control the user’s profile at a given work location. The master user record is typically end-dated (resulting in an Inactive User status) only upon overall termination of the employee from the organization. Effective Date can be set for a future date if desired, and it is not necessary to populate and End Date during setup.
    • VoiceMobile, and Fax phone-related fields are optional.
    • Affiliation and Notes are free-text fields for use in making notations about the user.
    • Address information is optional.
  1. Click Add User to complete the creation of the new user account. A confirmation pop-up will then appear asking if you have finished, would like to continue editing the account, or want to add another user.

All new users are created with the default role “Student”, an assignment that controls access rights in your portal. If you want to add instructor, manager or other roles to a user’s profile, you will need to continue editing.

Set Up New User Defaults

If there is a standard or frequently used default for your new users’ Location and/or Position … what you want them to start out with in most cases, you can establish the Location and Position defaults so that those fields populate automatically when you add the user manually or when nothing else is specified during user self-registration, if active in the portal.

Change the Default Location and Position Assignments

To change the default location assignment for new users:

  1. From the Administration menu, select Site Management > LMS Information. This page provides at-a-glance information and key global settings for your LMS portal.
  2. In the LMS Information section, next to the Default Location field, click Select Location.
  3. Use the picker to choose your new default location value.
  4. In the LMS Information section, next to the Default Position Code field, click Select Position.
  5. Use the picker to choose your new default position value.
  6. Click Submit to save changes.

Defaults are Optional

There is no requirement to set any defaults, but they help save time when adding users.
It is acceptable to use just one option, location or position, with a default. You are not required to use both.

When adding new users, if someone requires a position or location which is not the established default, simply use the location and position pickers on the Add User page to select any value you wish.