The Interest List feature and its extensive tool set were built into LatitudeLearning® to serve four separate, but interrelated functions.
For an overview on configuring courses to allow interest lists or managing approval-required interest requests, please see related document: Manage Approvals for Enrollment, Course Interest, and User Self Registration
The Interest List feature can be used in a multitude of ways, based on how you have configured your LMS courses. Here are the important settings that allow “Add Interest” and “Auto-enrollment” processes to function:
These settings are found under Site Management > LMS Information in the Goals Configuration section.
a) Automate Interests from Certification Goals: Enabling this feature will automatically place all courses from assigned Certification goals (when using a Primary “All Of” Rule) on a student’s Interest List. It does not work for Primary rules set to “One Of” or Generic rules using “Not” exceptions.
Before turning on this option, it is important to have a strong understanding of the following aspects of LMS Accreditation Management functionality:
If you do not thoroughly understand these concepts, enabling this option could create mass enrollment situations with the following issues:
b) Automate Interests from Course Goals: Enable to automatically add interests for Course Goal assignments. This can enable automatic enrollments based on interest list processing if no impediments to enrollment are found, such as a requirement for manager approval or pending prerequisites.
To view the distribution of student interests over Courses and Locations, select Interests > Review Interests Summary or Review Interests Graph. Assuming that your LMS Facilities and Locales have been properly managed, both Review Interest tools allow you to query, sort, view details, and print Interest List records with the same search function. The difference is in the results, one being displayed in a Summary format in the other in a Graph.
Note: When searching by Locale, you must select a Business Unit in order to populate your options in the Training Locale field. See the screenshot below for an example.
If more than one Locale is listed, you must select only one value, highlighting it as your desired search criteria. If you do not select any values from the list, the search process will produce an error, citing “missing” data in the required field. Using the [Ctrl + Click] action to highlight more than one value will also result in a system error.
The Review Interests Summary option allows administrators to filter and look into the details of course interest records. In the search results list, you can sort by clicking on the column headers, or drill into more detailed information by clicking on the Course Title, Interest Counts or Location Counts.