Requests for Approval

A number of LMS features help training coordinators oversee their list of employees, manage their training goals, and track team progress. Users assigned a supervisory position will gain access to “My Team” and “Pending Approvals” icons on their Navigation page (or equivalent tabs on the Classic Home page “Employees” and “Approvals”). To learn more about how dynamic information feeds the My Team dashboard, CLICK HERE.

Feature Overview and Requirements 


Portal Administrators can establish approval requirements for LMS users attempting any of the following activities:

  • Course Enrollment — A student enrolls in a course that is set to require management approval.
  • Interest Lists — A student is ineligible or otherwise unable to enroll in a desired course, and therefore expresses an interest in attending in the future.
  • Self Registration — A new user wants to register for an account in your LMS portal. For detailed information on this topic, please see related document: User Self Registration Feature


Course Enrollment

When adding or editing a course, in the “Approval Required” field select Yes, as shown below (A).

Note: If your course has been included in a Subscription Program, you may be provided an additional level of approval options: Non-subscribers only. For more information on configuring a course within a subscription, see related document: Create Subscription Programs

Interest Lists

When adding or editing a course, in the “Approval Required” field select Yes and in the “Allow Use of Interest Lists” select Yes, as shown below (A and B). This will cause courses to require approval prior to being placed on the Interest List. This type of course configuration allows LMS administrators to utilize demand forecasting to determine when and where they should offer the next class.

User Self-Registration

Note: To allow user self-registration as an option, a Portal Administrator must first submit a request to the Latitude ClientCare team. Once the self-registration feature is enabled, Portal Administrators may set an approval requirement from their Site Management > LMS Information page using the “User registration requires approval” indicator.

Portal Administrators with Company-level profiles can approve, modify, or deny new user Self Registration requests across the entire organization. LMS customers have the option of extending this type of approval responsibility to additional user Roles. To learn more about this customization option, please contact your Latitude Account Manager or ClientCare team.

The scope of approval rights for other managerial users relies on customized fields being added to the standard Self Registration form — especially the new user’s Location and Default Position assignments. When these key fields are added to the form, the LMS can reference the user-submitted information to determine which managers should be notified of the request, as well as who has rights to approve or deny the new user registration.



  • Feature Overview and Requirements
  • Step-by-Step and Field Descriptions
  • FAQs


Useful Links

  • Link to page
  • Link to page
  • Link to www

Step by Step Procedure and Field Description

Manage Approvals

Training coordinators use their Pending Approvals page to manage employee requests for new account registration, security lockouts, interest list additions, or course enrollments. Access pending requests directly from the Navigation page via the Pending Approvals  icon or from your My Team  dashboard. The overview of Approval requirements on both pages looks like this, with all requirements listed together and approval types denoted with different Details icons, which expand when clicked to display details about the particular request.

Use the Filter   option to refine the list of requests by Organization, Position, or User criteria. Apply “None” to see all. Sort the list by clicking column headers. Notice that each Type of request will display different details and appropriate Action options.

Course Enrollment

When a student enrolls in a course that requires approval, it is a manager’s responsibility to approve, deny, or pay tuition in order to complete the enrollment request. A “book” icon represents the detail expansion for pending course enrollment approvals.

  • Click the Details icon under Type to see the details for an enrollment approval request.
  • If you need more understanding of what you are approving, click the linked course name to open the Course Details page and view more information about the course.
  • To approve or deny, click the Approval Details button to the right of the line.
    Click Approve to complete the enrollment process, and notify the student that they are approved to take the course. Courses that require tuition will prompt for payment to completing the approval.
    Click Deny to terminate the enrollment request and send the user a notification of denial.



Course Interest

If student is currently ineligible or otherwise unable to enroll in a desired course, they may still express an interest in future enrollment opportunities. Courses set to “Allow Interest List” and “Require Approval” will prompt managers to review and approve such requests. A “hand” icon represents the detail expansion for pending interest approvals.

  • Click the Detail  icon to view interest record details.
  • If you need more information about the course related to the interest, click the linked course name to open its Course Details page.
  • To approve or deny, click the Approval Details button to the right of the line.
    Click Approve  to update student’s Interest List, which may result in auto-enrollment for courses they are eligible to take.
  • Click Deny  to terminate the interest request and send the user a notification of denial.



User Access

A “person” icon represents the detail expansion for pending user access approvals. There are two kinds of user access requests: 1) requests for users who self-registered for LMS access and 2) users who have been locked out of their accounts by password failures. The differences between these two are easily identified and are described below. For either option, click Details   to expand the request for additional information.

Unlock User — LatitudeLearning® has an Account Lockout security policy. Anyone who fails to log in successfully will be locked out of the system after 6 attempts. Users have the option to request a password reset any time prior to the lockout.



  • Requests to unlock a user account display a red circle indicator on the Details  icon.
  • The Action column provides an Unlock  action button. Click it to unlock the user. This does not reset their password, but resets the login counter to provide 6 more attempts, during which we recommend they use the Forgot Password option to reset it.
  • Click Deny  to terminate the user account.

User Registration — These requests display when a new user registers on the Self-Registration page if your organization has made it available to users and if requests require approval.

  • Click Approve  to grant the user access to the LMS and notify them to login.
  • Click Deny  to terminate the user account and send them a notification of denial.
  • Click [ i ] action button to modify the requesting user’s Position and Role assignment before approving access. From the resulting pop-up, make any necessary changes and then click Approve Registration to complete the process.



Manager or Administrator Verification of Self-Study Completion

When courses with a Self-Study delivery method are set to require manager- or administrator-verification of the student’s completion, the student will submit their completed work to the manager for review. This kicks off an approval notification to the manager and logs an approval request on the Approvals and My Team – Approvals pages. This is what they’ll see in this case.  Adminstrators and Portal Administrators are not sent notifications and will need to routinely check for pending approvals.

  • Click the Details icon under Type to view more information about the request.
  • Click Open Transcript Attachments to add attachments to the transcript for this course or to review transcripts uploaded by the student. You can also click here to access the various approval buttons, even if there are no attachments uploaded.

  • Prior to approving, use the (A) Upload section to upload any relevant documents to the transcript. Managers may also review documents (B) the student uploaded or delete any document in the list.
  • To approve the completion and set the transcript to “Pass” status, click (C) to Approve .
  • To deny approval but leave the transcript open for further action by the student, click (D) to Deny  . It will send the user a notification of denial.
  • To give the student’s transcript a permanent Fail status, click (E) Fail .

Note that Pass and Fail are terminal statuses that mean the transcript is finished. Denying approval allows the student to continue working and submit new information for review by the manager.


The Student Experience

The Latitude Learning LMS comes with a Message Editor feature. Using this flexible tool set, Portal Administrators can edit and brand system-generated messages, as well as dictate the method in which automated messages are sent to users via email and the Message center.

By default, automated messages include notifications related to user requests and approvals of all types. Depending on your LMS message settings, users submitting requests may receive a notification via email and under the Messages page, indicating that their action (enrollment, interest, registration) is pending approval. They may also receive follow-up messages when their request is approved — with next-step instructions — or when their request is denied — with the reason for rejection.

After saving, tabs associated with the course delivery type will become available. These are covered in the delivery method-specific or standalone documents. These are the standard tabs provided after saving any type of course.

Frequently Asked Questions

