Create Custom HTML Pages

The ability to create new HTML pages allows you to present custom content and link it elsewhere in the LMS, such as the What’s New page or My Learning.

Feature Overview and Requirements

There are several ways in which a Portal Administrator can customize the look and feel of the LMS. Many of these options target existing LMS pages, but it is possible to add new pages to the LMS. This extends your ability to present custom content, such as contact information, a standard operating procedures list, or other information your users might need. This feature allows you to embed videos, link to social media sites, add widgets, and link to videos hosted on external sites. There is no limit on the number of custom pages you can add.

Note: As you revise a page, the LMS does not maintain versions to which you can restore. We recommend when modifying any HTML pages in the LMS, you keep a backup of the current file in a separate text editing application.

This page explains how to:

  • Add a Custom Content page to the LMS
  • Make a Custom Page Available to Users
  • Remove Custom Content Pages

Useful Links

  • Edit HTML Pages
  • Adding Slide-Ins to HTML Pages and Messages under Useful Links
  • Link to www

Step by Step Procedure and Field Description

Add a New Page to the LMS

Follow the steps below to create a new page. Once you create and save the page, select the file name in the “HTML Content File” drop-down list to edit it.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Site Management > Edit HTML Content.
  2. On the “Edit HTML Content” page, click Add.
  1. In the “Enter filename” pop-up, type a name for the new page and then click Close.
  2. In the “Content” text box, enter and format your new content. Use the formatting buttons in the rich text editor or, if you know HTML and want to author in code, click Source. The screen below shows these two editing options.


Note: To add links to courses or accreditations that open a slide-in when clicked, refer to this document: Adding Slide-Ins to HTML Pages and Messages under Useful Links.

  1. Click Submit to save changes.

Make a Custom Page Available to Users

After you create a new page, you can link your LMS users to it in any number of places, including the Custom Left Navigation “Quick Links” menu and the What’s New page.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Site Management > Edit HTML Content.
  2. From the “HTML Content File” drop-down list, select the file name of the new page.


  1. Click Copy URL.


  1. The LMS displays the URL for this content in a pop-up window. Select the entire URL. The pop-up opens with it selected by default. Press [Ctrl]+[C] to copy it, and then click Close.
  2. From the “HTML Content File” drop-down list, select Custom_Left_Nav or the name of another custom page from which you want to link the new page.
  3. Edit the Custom Left Nav or other custom page to include an entry for the new page, then hyperlink the entry with your copied URL. To create a hyperlink with the HTML editor, select the desired text and click Insert/Edit Link.
  1. In the “Link” dialog box, press [Ctrl]+[V] to paste the copied URL into the URL field. Click OK.
  1. On the “Edit HTML Content” page, click Submit.
  2. You may need to log out and log in again to see the updated content.

Remove a Custom Content Page

Follow the steps below to delete a Custom Content Page.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Site Management > Edit HTML Content.
  2. From the “HTML Content File” drop-down list, select the page you would like to delete.
  3. Click Delete.
  1. In the confirmation pop-up, click Yes.The web page will be permanently deleted.Note: Deleting the page does not automatically remove any associated links. You must edit the Custom Left Navigation menu and any other custom web pages that contain links to the removed page. If you do not remove associated links, users who try to open the content link see this error message: “Content on this page is removed by the administrator.”

Use Cases

How Our Customers Have Used Custom HTML Pages

  • To create a Support page on how to contact their internal LMS Support Desk, which is then shown as a URL link on the Login Page or the My Learning page HTML block.
  • To create How-to pages describing how to use and navigate the LMS or perform other activities which are then shown as URL links on the My Learning HTML block or What’s New page.
  • To create an informational list of courses that certain groups must take, linked to launch or not.