The CSV file name cannot include spaces or the import process will fail, even with valid transcript data.
Once the file has been prepared for upload, from the Administration left navigation menu, select Imports > Transcript Import.
Download a blank import template here: Transcript Import CSV template. A link to the most current template is also available from the Transcript Import page via the online Help (?) icon in the LMS header.
The CSV file must be submitted in the standard template format and contain user, course, and transcript information.
Username: Must be a valid user with primary profile in portal.
Course Code: Must be a valid course code for an existing course within the portal. The course does not need to be active.
Enroll Date: Must be on or before Score Date, in format mm/dd/yyyy
Score Date: Must be on or after Enroll Date, in format mm/dd/yyyy
Score: Number between 1-100. Only use a whole number and do not include special characters, such as %, as they will cause the import to fail.
Status: Supported statuses are listed below. The process requires exact text match for a successful import.
Expiration Date: Enter a date in the format mm/dd/yyyy if this transcript should be loaded as expired or expiring in the future. Must be on or after the Enroll Date and on or after the Score Date.
Pre-Test Score: Number between 1-100. On some LMS pages this will display in the field Written Score.
Post-Test Score: Number between 1-100. This will be displayed in the Practical Score field on some LMS pages.
Location Code: The code representing the location to be associated with the user’s transcript.
The CSV file name cannot include spaces or the import process will fail, even with valid transcript data.
Once the file has been prepared for upload, from the Administration left navigation menu, select Imports > Transcript Import.
Use the Choose File button to select your import file, then click Process Transcript Import.
Administrators will typically receive a confirmation email within a few minutes of initiating to let them know that their file was accepted and processing is in progress. Once the import process is completed, administrators will receive a second email titled “LatitudeLearning Data Import Exception Log” with an attached Excel file. The file contains information about successfully imported transcripts, and lists any import errors as failures, but at this time, does not include the specific data or other reason that is causing the failure. (SuccessFailureLog).