The Latitude LMS Assessment Authoring Tool enables portal administrators to create, deliver and analyze a range of assessments, from simple quizzes to longer, multi-objective examinations. This document will describe how key features allow you to:
This toolset also allows you to supply images and videos as part of question or answer content, making the assessment more interactive for students. To learn more about these graphic customization options, please see the related document: Embed an Image or Video in Assessment Course Content.
From the Administration menu, click Courses > Add Course to create a course with the functionality you want. For the Delivery Method, select Assessment.
After creating and saving the Assessment course, click Continue Test Setup. Return to the Course Details page and click this button to review or edit your Assessment at any time.
In the “Testing Administration” window, click the Edit link under the test Name to define key Test settings. When reviewing these instructions, it is important to understand that the term “Objective” refers to the topic or category of questions in each section of the test.
Please refer to the screenshot and field descriptions below for guidance on selecting Test settings. You will need to revisit some of these settings once your assessment content has been finalized. Such settings will be explained in greater detail near the end of this document.
The Passing Score field displays once the test is saved. Now or later, enter into this field a number that represents the minimum passing score, and indicate whether that score is based on Percent or Questions.
Click Return to Tests to continue authoring.
Once you have configured settings at the Test level, click the Add Objective link under the test Name to set assessment functionality at the Objective level.
Please refer to the screenshot and field descriptions below for guidance on setting up Objectives. You will need to revisit some of these settings once your assessment content has been finalized. Such settings will be explained in greater detail near the end of this document. Note that students will not see the objective text when they take the test.
Once the Objective has been created, additional links display at the bottom of the page, allowing you add a Sub Objective or start adding Questions. Click the desired link, or click Return to Test to continue adding Objectives.
If your assessment requires a more detailed setup, you can click Add Sub Objective under a parent Objective. Sub Objectives allow elements of the parent-level objective to be split into finer skill or knowledge sets. You can nest Sub Objectives under multiple levels by selecting the Parent Objective from a list of existing objectives. Click Add Objective to save the Sub Objective when your entries are complete.
Once you have designed a Test with sections broken into the Objectives (or Sub Objectives) you want students to achieve, you can create the assessment questions and content. When reviewing the instructions below, it is important to understand that the term “Distractor” refers to a possible response to the question or prompt. All correct and incorrect answers are called Distractors.
The following example shows a Multiple Choice question setup with numbered field descriptions.
The window will refresh, showing at the top of the page an outline of where the question resides within your assessment, and at the bottom a preview of the new question. This is the “Edit Question” page, which you can revisit and revise any time. In addition to the standard return links, note the linked options to Delete Question, Add Question, Update Question and add Images as part of question or distractor content.
The following screenshot shows an example of a Matrix Question, which requires the participant to select one choice for each statement or question presented. This type of question requires that all student selections be correct to grant a passing credit.
Note: This setup works best when you enter all of the text and sort order components first, click Add Question, then indicate the correct responses with the radio buttons from the “Preview Question” area. Click Update Question to save and verify changes.
Once you have created all of your question and response content, it is important to return to each Objective and finalize settings. Please refer to the screenshot and field descriptions below for guidance on defining assessment behavior.
Click Update Objective to save changes. Click Return to Test to continue updating all active objectives.
Verify that all of your questions and objectives are in working order, and that you have test launched the new course. If you are satisfied with the results, it is time to revisit your Test settings to ensure that all of your desired sorting and restriction selections are in place. Please refer to the screenshot and field descriptions below for guidance on finalizing assessment behavior.
Students can launch assessments, like all self-paced courses, from their homepage or the Course Details page. Once a user is enrolled, clicking the Launch button will open the assessment in a new window and begin timing. A user should complete the assessment, then click Score Test to submit his or her transcript and view the results instantly. The pass/fail status and score will also be reflected under the user’s training history.
In the example below, a student responds to a Fill in the Blank question.
Once a student clicks Score Test, the LMS displays test results and feedback text for each objective.
A student who has completed the assessment can always review their Detailed Test Results — correct or incorrect score per question — by returning to the Course Details page and clicking View Test Results.