Featured Courses

If you want to highlight a set of courses for users, but don’t necessarily want to enroll them upfront, you can feature courses at their location using tools included with the LatitudeLearning® LMS


Portal Administrators establish Featured Course lists from the Course or from the Location: 

  • From the Course: Identify the Course, then select one or more Locations for which the course will be featured.
  • From the Location: Identify the Location, then select and feature an ordered set of Courses for all users logging into that organization.

Once courses have been featured at a given Location, students will see the Featured Courses icon appear on their LMS Navigation page. Rich with images, course details, user enrollment status, and action options, the default course tile view helps you promote these important training opportunities. A button in the upper right corner of the page offers the option to toggle between the image-based Tile View, or the compact List View


On the Classic Home page, Featured Courses dynamically display in an expandable section for any user who logs in at that location. “Featured Courses” top the list of training items displayed on the page, allowing users to easily see and access important courses. The LMS automatically updates and displays a user’s status information tied to a Featured course once the user begins to interact with the course through enrollment, launch, and completion. 


Set Up a Course to be Featured in one or more Locations

To set up a featured course from the Edit Course Details page:

  1. From the My Learning Center menu, select Courses > Search Courses to find and open the course.
  2. On the Course Details page, select the General tab.
  3. Click the plus “+” symbol next to Additional Information to expand the form.



  1. In the “Featured In” field, click Select Organizations to search for and select the locations in which you want to feature the course. The only organizational level allowed is Location and the course must be available in the course catalog associated with the location. The selected locations display in a list.
  2. For each location listed, enter an Ordinal number to determine the sort order in which you want this course to appear with other featured courses for this location on the Featured Courses page. It can be the same ordinal for each location or can vary. For instance, it may be the most important course for one location and is assigned an ordinal “1”. At another location, there are two other courses with higher importance and this course may only be assigned an ordinal of “3”. If you do not provide an ordinal, the featured courses display alphabetically.
  3. To delete a featured location assignment for the course, select the Delete check box to the right of the course.
  4. Click Save Course

Set Up a Location to Feature one or more Courses

To set up a featured course from the Organization Details page, you must first create and save the course. Once the course is created:

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Locations (or Organizations > Search Organizations) to find and select the desired Location.
  2. On the Organization Details page, select the Featured Courses tab. Complete field entries on this tab as described below.


  1. In the Courses section, select Add Courses to search for and select the courses you want to feature for this location (or add to the list already featured). The selected courses will display in a list.
  2. For each course listed, enter an Ordinal number to determine the sort order in which you want this course to appear with other featured courses, under the Featured Courses heading. If no Ordinal is specified, the list will sort alphabetically.
  3. To delete a featured course assignment for the location, select the Delete check box to the right of the course.
  4. Click Submit to save changes.


  • Feature Overview and Requirements
  • Step-by-Step and Field Descriptions
  • Use Cases and Examples
  • FAQs


Frequently Asked Questions

Why didn't my SCORM package load?

Please review the requirements in this section to ensure your file is LMS-compliant.

Why are students having problems completing a course?

If your course launches correctly in the LMS, but all or some users are having difficulty getting a successful completion, these are common issues:

  • The LMS window and the course content “launch” window/tab must be open concurrently. If a student closes the LMS window, the SCORM engine cannot properly update score and status.
  • Any interruption in network connectivity while a student is taking the course can interrupt or disconnect communication of status between the LMS and the course.
  • Course configuration in the authoring tool may be problematic:
    • Success/completion factors are not being fully met by the student. Making them aware of the success factors or helping create navigation and workflows that guide them toward full completion can help.
    • The student does not navigate or exit the course in a way that triggers submission of final status or score to the LMS. For instance, if a final “Finish” button submits scores to the LMS but the user simply closes the course window.
    • Publishing settings such as “Report status to LMS as” can cause issues with the LMS and may need to be altered if initial attempts fail. These are the settings that tell the system to report as “Passed/Incomplete”, “Passed/Failed”, “Complete/Incomplete”, etc. Using “Passed/Incomplete” is usually successful.