Edit My Learning Page

The LatitudeLearning® My Learning page rounds out the student experience in our responsive LMS interface. My Learning  provides users a dashboard view of their LMS profile, activity summaries, and personalized learning channels.

Feature Overview and Requirements

The LatitudeLearning® My Learning page rounds out the student experience in our responsive LMS interface. My Learning  provides users a dashboard view of their LMS profile, activity summaries, and personalized learning channels with an optional area for customized HTML content and messaging.

This customized My Learning page below shows the three main areas available for configuration. The My Learning page can be updated for use in Organization and Position Group branding, too, allowing for a customized experience by organization or position group.

  1. Sidebar Components: Can be displayed or hidden, as well as ordered in the desired sequence. 
  2. HTML Content: An HTML content block is available for editing under the Site Management > Edit HTML page, by default using the learning_center HTML file. It can also be hidden.
  3. Learning Channels: Can be displayed or hidden, as well as ordered in the desired sequence. Display channels that you think are important and useful to your students. 

This dashboard comes paired with an LMS Site Management tool called Edit My Learning Page. Portal Administrators can control which components display in this user dashboard, and in what order. Hiding the learning channels that don’t support your training workflows is a great way to make the page more intuitive for learners.

Step by Step Procedure and Field Description

This section covers the various components of the My Learning Page. To modify any of them:

  1. From the Administration menu, navigate to Site Management > Edit My Learning Page.
  2. Use drag-and-drop to manage the visibility of each feature described below.  
    All features are displayed by default. Changes made on this page will affect all users, and it is not currently possible to customize the My Learning page for specific roles or individuals.
  3. After changes are made, click Submit to save them. 
    It may be necessary to refresh your browser or clear your cache to see the changes.

See the sections following the image below for more information on each element.

B. HTML Content Block

A horizontal content block displays the  HTML file defined in Site Management > LMS Information > LMS Branding in  My Learning Content. This HTML block is configurable by Organization and Position Group branding controls, so that content within the block can be tailored accordingly for different groups of people or organizations.

  • To modify or add new content blocks for use on My Learning, use the Edit HTML feature.
  • To select a My Learning page block, click Change HTML Content to open the LMS Information page, where you can select a different content file for My Learning that has been previously set up. The HTML file on the LMS Information page serves as the portal-wide default. To change the HTML content block at the Organization or Position Group level, navigate to the organization or position group and modify the entry shown on the branding options for My Learning Content.
  • Select the Hide option to remove the HTML block from your My Learning dashboard.
  • Note: To add links to courses or accreditations in this block that open a slide-in when clicked, refer to this document: Adding Slide-Ins to HTML Pages and Messages.

C. Learning Channels

Training content is organized by Learning Channel, where course lists are presented in Tile View with section headers and action buttons. Each channel header provides the corresponding page name with link to the source content.

By default, all “Displayed Learning Channels” are listed in order below. Drag and drop the features you do not use into the “Hidden Learning Channels” column, or simply reorder the list to highlight the most important content.

  • Courses To Complete
  • Required Courses
  • Enrollments
  • Interests
  • Featured Courses
  • Subscriptions
  • Recently Added

Click Save to apply changes or Cancel to return to the Administration page.