LMS Information Page Configurations

The LMS Information page provides Portal Administrators an overview of their LMS subscription, add-on features, and configuration options.

Feature Overview and Requirements

The LMS Information page is the central feature in the LMS for managing how your LMS appears to and behaves for your users. 

Some information on this page is just informational and read-only because the configurations are managed by Latitude. Other information provide you with rich options to update system behavior in a multitude of situations, manage default user registration and access features, determine how goals will work, establish branding, set up e-commerce, and much more.

This page introduces all of the configurations available on the LMS Information page, which can be found by navigating to the Administration Menu > Site Management > LMS Information.

Settings are divided into sections based on the purpose of the settings.


  • LMS Subscriptions & Add-ons
  • LMS Configuration
  • User Registration & Access
  • Employee Oversight
  • Course Enrollment Management
  • Goals Configuration
  • LMS Branding
  • Course Shell & SCORM Configuration
  • Configure eCommerce
  • FAQs

LMS Information

This section displays the LMS Portal Name, Portal Code, and Portal Creation Date. Only LatitudeLearning® ClientCare has the ability to modify this information.

LMS Subscription

This section displays details about your Latitude LMS subscription. Only LatitudeLearning® ClientCare has the ability to modify this information.

  • Subscription Type: Indicates whether your LMS subscription is based on the number of current Active Users or the number of total Course Enrollments.
    For customers with paid subscriptions, this setting is based on your signed agreement with Latitude.
  • Subscription Start Date: Effective date of current subscription period.
  • Subscription End Date: Date that current subscription expires.
  • Active User Licenses: Displays the maximum number of users allowed access to the LMS at any given time, based on your subscription. Once this limit is reached, new users cannot be added.
  • Active Users: Daily count of users with an active account in the LMS portal. It is not related to the number of concurrent users.
    NOTE: This count is updated by a nightly process and is not a real-time reflection of your active user count. Changes made one day will not be reflected until the next day, after the process runs.
  • Course Enrollment Licenses: Displays the number of pre-paid Course Enrollments, based on your LMS subscription.
  • Course Enrollments: Total number of course enrollments between subscription start and end dates.
    NOTE: This count is updated by a nightly process and is not a real-time reflection of your active user count. Changes made one day will not be reflected until the next day, after the process runs. All successful enrollments are counted in this figure regardless of cancellation, course completion, and other enrollment statuses.
  • Virtual Classroom Licenses: For subscribers who have purchased the Virtual Classroom Add-On , this field shows the maximum number of course offerings that can be scheduled for concurrent training sessions.
  • Virtual Classroom Session Capacity: Displays the number of seats available in each Virtual Classroom.

Portal Administrators will receive automated email notifications when their subscription limits are reached or exceeded. The standard trigger for these warnings is 98% for user-based subscriptions and 95% for enrollment-based subscriptions.

About the settings above: 

  • Active User Counts and Course Enrollment totals are updated by a nightly process and they are not a real-time reflection of your user or enrollment counts. Changes made one day will not be reflected until the next day, after the process runs.
  • To get an accurate User Count prior to the next process run, on the Administration menu, go to Users > Search Users and run the query with no other filters except Account Status = Active.
  • Portal Administrators will receive automated email notifications when their subscription limits are reached or exceeded. The standard trigger for these warnings is 98% for user-based subscriptions and 95% for enrollment-based subscriptions.

LMS Add-Ons

  • Virtual Classroom Licenses: For subscribers who have purchased the Virtual Classroom Add-On , this field shows the maximum number of course offerings that can be scheduled for concurrent training sessions.
  • Virtual Classroom Session Capacity: Displays the number of seats available in each Virtual Classroom.

LMS Configuration

This section allows Portal Administrators to configure LMS behavior according to their training needs. Click Submit to save changes after making any changes on this page.

User Registration and Access Features

  • Default Location: Optional. Select the organization to which new users will be assigned by default.
  • Default Position Code: Optional. Select the default position code new users will be assigned.
  • Maximum Allowed Days Since Last Login: Limit the number of days a user with a “Student” Role can go without logging into the LMS before their account is automatically inactivated. Leave blank if no update is desired.
  • Days prior to deactivation to send reminders: Based on the Maximum Allowed Days Since Last Login setting, establish the number of days prior to deactivation on which to send the user a User Deactivation Notification message. Enter number of days separated by commas to sent multiple warnings, e.g. 7,3,1 to send messages 7, 3, and 1 day prior to the account deactivation.
  • User Registration Requires Approval: This setting only affects portals in which User Self-Registration has been activated. User Self-Registration allows users to request their own LMS access and login credentials. This indicator shows whether or not new user registration requests will require approval by an LMS administrator or manager. By default, the requirement for approval is disabled, providing users instant access. NOTE: To request activation of the Self-Registration function, you must submit a request to LatitudeLearning® ClientCare. Learn more: Self Registration Feature.
  • 2 Factor Authentication: When enabled, Two Factor Authentication provides an alternate means of system access for registered users who have forgotten their login credentials. Upon first successful login, users must set up two Security Questions and Answers. Afterward, those who need help logging in can click the “Can’t remember username or email” link on the login page to enter their first name, last name, and location code. They are then presented with the two Security Questions, which they must answer correctly to authenticate into the LMS. Learn more: Two Factor Authentication.
  • Login Landing Page: Determines the page a user sees upon logging into the LMS. The default “Navigation” sets the landing page to the responsive user interface.
  • Home Page: Determines the page a user sees when they click the header logo or the Home icon.

Employee Oversight

  • Reporting Hierarchy: Select Position Code (default) or Person-to-Person to establish how relationships between managers and subordinates should be structured in the LMS.
    • Position Codes drive managerial oversight of employees according to superior and subordinate relationships in a Position Hierarchy.
    • Person-to-Person reporting organizes managerial reporting relationships by username, allowing a user to directly manage others regardless of their job titles or assigned positions.

Course and Enrollment Management

  • Display Next Required Training: Enable this option to add a “Required” tab to the Courses to Complete page or add a new training section to the Classic Home page for “Next Required Training”. This helps a user focus only on the net course they should complete from their assigned Course Goals or Accreditation Goals.
  • Inactive Profile Enrollments: This setting determines what happens to a user’s open course enrollments when the location profile to which those enrollments are associated is inactivated and the user is assigned to a new location. When set to Cancel Enrollments, the LMS automatically cancels any open enrollments associated with the student’s inactive profile. When set to Move Enrollments, the LMS will attempt to move the enrollment to an active profile for the student, if available. If no suitable profile is available (no other active profile or if the Business Unit of the new location does not have access to the course), the LMS will cancel the enrollment because it is unable to move it. These cancellations will appear in the time-stamp of the transcript as performed by “LMS Automated Processing”.
  • Inactive Profile Groups: This setting controls the behavior of a user’s User Group assignment, which is profile-based, when the user transitions to a different location within the LMS and the previous profile is inactivated. To end the current User Group association when the profile is end-dated, select Cancel Groups. To have the same User Group automatically apply to the user’s new profile, select Move Groups. Note: If set to Move, there may be a short delay in the appearance of the User Group on the new profile as the system processes the transition fully in the background.
  • Course Topics: These are administrator-defined categories that provide additional options for users to search for and find courses. If enabled, you can set up Topics and relate them in parent/child hierarchies, if desired. Users will can browse courses by Topic on the Course Catalog page or on the left navigation menu of the Classic user interface.
  • Header Course Search: Enable this option to display the Course Search field in the LMS Header.
  • Brands: When enabled, this turns on Brands functionality which can then be managed from the LMS Administration menu under Brands. It also adds the ability to associate brands with courses, locations, and accreditations, in addition to using them for some search and filter criteria throughout the LMS and its reporting engine. This should not be confused with Branding, which is managing the look and feel of your LMS with logos, colors, fonts, and custom content.
  • Training Provider: Enables the Training Provider feature under Course Support in the LMS Administration menu. They serve as an informational reference on courses and instructor profiles.
  • Allow Location Manager Substitution: Enable to allow users with a Location Manager (or higher) role to perform classroom offering roster substitutions of users from their managed locations.

Goals Configuration

This section contains settings which control how Accreditation and Course Goals behave. Some also control the visibility of certain features to users and managers who are not portal administrators.

  • Automate Interests from Accreditation Goals: Enabling this feature will automatically place all courses from assigned Accreditation Goals (when using a Primary “All Of” Rule) on a student’s Interest List. It does not work for Primary rules set to “One Of” or Generic rules using “Not” exceptions. Before turning on this option, it is important to have a strong understanding of the following aspects of LMS Accreditation Management functionality:
    • Interest Lists
    • Goal Assignment (via manual Set Goal, Goal Rules, or automated Goal Transitions)
    • Generic and Primary Rules
    • Position Codes and Position Groups
  • If you do not thoroughly understand these concepts, enabling this option could create mass enrollment situations with the following issues:
    • If the course’s listed Accreditation Completion rules do not have prerequisites, this feature could place all courses in the assigned accreditation goal on the student’s interest list at the same time and lead to auto-enrollment all required courses. Courses on the interest list cause auto-enrollment if there are no impediments such as unmet prerequisites or pending approvals.
    • The process could enroll ALL of your users in ALL of your courses in the following instances:
      1. If you have nested accreditations (e.g. one certification is a requirement for another certification), but do not properly set up Goals.
      2. If your Position Groups are too broad.
  • Automate Interests from Course Goals: Enable to automatically add interests for Course Goal assignments. This can enable automatic enrollments based on interest list processing if no impediments to enrollment are found, such as a requirement for manager approval or pending prerequisites.
  • Self-Assign Goals: Controls the visibility of the +Goals button on My Goals page. Note that the Add/Edit Accreditation page provides this same display/hide option, allowing admins to control which accreditations show up in the list of available Training Goals. 
  • Automate Goals from Due Date: When enabled, this setting automates Course Goal creation for enrollments in courses that are configured with a Due Date. It will only create one goal per course, so if a goal should contain multiple courses, it should be created from the Goals or Goal Rules pages. This will affect all courses with due dates. 
  • Set Team Goals: Controls the visibility of the +Goals button on the My Team page. Note that our Add/Edit Accreditation tool provides this same display/hide option, allowing admins to control which accreditations show up in the Assign Goals wizard, and which offer the +Goal button on Team Skills.
  • Waive Team Goals: Controls the visibility of the Waive Goal button on the My Team – Goals page for users who manage others. Disabled by default.

LMS Branding

Customize the LMS with branded content, color, and style using HTML, CSS files, and images. 

  • Language: English, Chinese, Español – México, Français – Canada, German – Germany, Italian – Italy, Portuguese – Brazil. To set up default pages in other languages, select a language then select the appropriate translated pages for items listed below.
  • What’s New Content:Select the HTML Content File that displays on “Classic Home” and “What’s New” pages.
  • MyLearning Content: Select the HTML Content file that should be displayed in the HTML Content block of the student-facing My Learning Page.
  • Left Navigation Content:Select the HTML Content File that displays in “Quick Links” menu.
  • Login Page Content: Select the HTML Content File that displays next to LMS Login widget.
  • Registration Page Content: Select the HTML Content File that displays at top of the user Self Registration page.
  • Stylesheet: Use cascading stylesheet files (*.css) to control the overall look and feel of your LMS.
  • Header Logo: Select the file name of image you want to make the Header Logo. Use the Upload Image link to quickly navigate to the Edit Images page. Upload the image there, then use this setting to establish it as the header logo.
  • Certificate Logo: Allows customers to replace the LatitudeLearning® logo on the default Course and Accreditation Completion certificates with their own organizational logo. It must be uploaded prior to selection. For best results, use .JPG images with dimensions approximating 50 pixels in height and 400 pixels in width.

NOTE: Applying <<None>> options will display default English content and styles.

Course Shell Configuration

This section controls portal-wide settings for the eLearning SCORM Course Shell, with options for a built-in Navigation Menu and System Checker. Both of these options are disabled by default. Click the “+” to expand the section and use field level help  for more information about the many configuration options in this section.

Note: All Override Course Settings fields below, when flagged true, allow the system to ignore the any course-level settings and enforce the global selection made on this page.

Navigation Menu Options

  • Enable Navigation Menu: Only relevant for Multi-SCO courses. Enable here to default all eLearning courses to open with a responsive navigation menu listing each SCO (shareable content object) in the course. If enabled for single SCO content, the menu will expand to show only the main course title or lesson name.
  • Custom Style Sheet: Add or edit a Stylesheet.css file to align the navigation menu with your LMS brand.
  • Menu Top and Menu Bottom Images: Upload and select images to display in the header and footer of your course navigation menu.

System Checker Options

  • Enable System Checker Enable here to default all eLearning courses to open with a system checker prior to content launch. This tool allows LMS Administrators to define system requirements for their eLearning content: devices, operating systems, browsers, cookies, Javascript. On course launch, the LMS will check the accessing device and inform students whether or not their machine meets defined requirements. Either way, students are able to click “Continue” and launch SCORM content.
  • System Checker Image: Upload and select an image to brand your system checker page.
  • Check Browser: Enable to have the checker compare the user’s browser and version to your stated requirements. Enabled by default.
  • Allowed Browsers: Expressed in Java Script Object Notation (JSON). Determines the browser types and versions the checker will use for comparison with the user’s browser. An initial default list is provided by Latitude.
  • Allowed Browser Text: The text that displays to the user regarding allowed browsers. If you change the Allowed Browsers list, remember to change this site text.
  • Check Device: Enable to have the checker compare the user’s device to your stated requirements. Enabled by default.
  • Allowed Devices: Expressed in JSON. Determines the device types the checker will use for comparison with the user’s device. An initial default list is provided by Latitude.
  • Allowed Devices Text: The text that displays to the user regarding allowed devices. If you change the Allowed Devices list, remember to change this site text.
  • Check OS: Enable to have the checker compare the user’s operation system and version to your stated requirements. Enabled by default.
  • Allowed OS: Expressed in JSON. Determines the operating systems and versions the checker will use for comparison with the user’s operating system. An initial default list is provided by Latitude.
  • Allowed OS Text: The text that displays to the user regarding allowed operating systems and versions. If you change the Allowed OS list, remember to change this site text.
  • Check Cookies: Enable to have the checker indicate if the user’s browser accepts cookies. Enabled by default.
  • Check Javascript: Enable to have the checker indicate if the user’s browser supports Javascript. Enabled by default.

Payment Information

Set up eCommerce information to collect payment for tuition-based course enrollments. Learn more: Monetize Your LMS.

  • Allowed Payment Methods: Select Direct BillingCredit Card (via PayPal), or none.
    • If you select Direct Billing, payment is not processed through the LMS. Instead, administrators must run the “Course Payment By Direct Bill Report” to track enrollments and generate payment invoices from your organization’s preferred billing platform.
    • If you select Credit Card, you must have a PayPal Business Account set up.
    • If you select none, users will not be able to purchase courses. All course tuition must be set to zero (0) to allow enrollment.
  • PayPal Credentials: Systems integration information that sends course tuition payment from the LMS to a registered PayPal account. PayPal will provide you the required information below. If you are unsure of how to acquire this information, please visit PayPal Support or chat with a PayPal Support representative. For further instructions on setting up PayPal integration in your portal you can refer to the Appendix in the Monetizing Your LMS document and watch our Add PayPal to Your LMS video.
    • PayPal ClientID
    • PayPal Secret Key
    • PayPal Environment: Set to live to complete the integration or sandbox for testing.

Frequently Asked Questions



