Manage Training Facilities

Facilities are established as part of your Training Structure, as they define where physical and virtual instructor-led training events are conducted. 

Feature Overview and Requirements

The document about building an LMS Organization Structure demonstrates how LatitudeLearning® can be configured to suit your business and training needs. Below, we explain how to add LMS Facilities and manage all associated Room and Equipment records.

Only Portal Administrators and Instructors have access rights to search for, edit and add Facilities. Training facilities, and their associated resources, are maintained using the four options under “Facilities” in the Administration menu.

Step-by-Step Procedure and Field Description

Add A Facility

  1. From the Administrator menu, select Facilities > Add Facility and complete all required fields.
  2. Make entries, as necessary, in the following fields:
    • Language: Select the language in which courses will be taught at that location. Note: You may add multiple languages (one at a time) by editing the facility, selecting a different language, and resubmitting information in that language.
    • Owner Organization: Facilities are tied to Locales in the LMS Training Structure. Select the Business Unit to which the associated Locale is already assigned. You can share one facility with multiple Business Units.
    • Code: Unique code that will identify the facility.
    • Name: Determines how the facility will be listed in your LMS. Also provides keywords for search options.
    • Description: Provide context information and additional keywords for search options.
    • Facility Type: Select the best option from the dropdown menu, and identify if the facility is a Fixed or Mobile site.
    • Time Zone: Select the time zone in which the facility operates. Note: Classroom course Offering times are based on the timezone registered to the Facility in which the course is being held. Enrolled students should show the time adjusted on their own calendars based on the time zone difference, in the Training Calendar and if using the offering .ics file to pull into an external calendar.
    • Phone and Fax information is optional.
    • Locales: Assign the Facility to a Locale in your training structure. You can add more than one Locale, if the facility services an entire training region. One facility must be the dedicated “Home Locale,” which represents the physical location where classroom courses are held. Once added, these options appear for selection:
      • Home Locale? – is the facility being added a Home Locale?
      • Auto Enrollable? – do offerings held in this facility support auto-enrollment if enabled on the offering?
    • Mailing Address – all fields in this section are optional, but if used, all are required.
    • Physical Address: These fields are required and serve to provide students directions to the site as well as Contact information.
    • Start Date: Enter the date that the Facility will become active and available for scheduling.
    • End Date: Entering a date before today’s date will render the Facility inactive, making it unavailable for scheduling. Both Administrators and Instructors can still search for and edit inactive facilities. Facilities can be reactivated at any time by extending the end date to the future or removing it from the record.
  3. Click Submit to save.

Search for and Edit Facilities

  1. From the Administration Menu, select Facilities > Search Facilities to find and edit existing facilities, along with their room and equipment information. Select the facility you would like to update by clicking on (A) its Name or the View/Edit link.

    The search results page also provides a link to display the (B) facility address in Google Maps, assuming the Physical Address of your facility is valid and recognized.

  1. The Facility Details page includes two read-only tabs (Summary and Schedule), and three editable tabs that allow you to manage:
    • General Information – All fields listed in setup instructions above.
    • Rooms – Classroom assignments.
    • Equipment – Available equipment lists by facility (computers, tools, etc.).

Room and equipment records can also be added from the Navigation > Facilities menu. Examples of these forms have been provided below. Note that creating Rooms and Equipment is entirely optional.  Doing so allows for better classroom management by making it impossible to overschedule a room and equipment within a physical facility with multiple offerings that overlap.

Facilities > Rooms Tab

  1. From the Equipment tab, search for existing rooms related to the facility using the fields shown, then clicking Search, or
  2. Click Add Room to set up a new room. 
  1. Fill in the relevant information about the room.
  2. Click Submit to save.


Facilities > Equipment Tab

  1. From the Equipment tab, click Add Equipment.
  2. Fill in the relevant information about the equipment.
  3. Click Submit to save.