Equivalency rules can apply to all users who complete a course, be restricted by a user’s assigned position, or can be set at the Certification/Curriculum program level. Eligibility rules are strictly enforced, but can be adjusted at any time.
The tool helps to eliminate the need for manual transcript administration, repetitive/unnecessary training exercises, and reconfiguration of Accreditation programs by developing a process to automatically grant students who fulfill all eligibility criteria credit for “equivalent” coursework.
Once an equivalency rule is established, course credit is granted to users retroactively, with a process that takes 10 – 30 minutes (depending on number of user transcripts being generated). It is important to note that the equivalency process runs on a continuous cycle. So any time an equivalency rule is updated, a user’s position changes, or a course transcript expires, training credit can be revoked from those learners who used to but no longer meet the eligibility criteria.
To create Equivalency Rules, follow this two-step process. If you are confused about which course to put the equivalency on, on the course for which you want to give the student credit, add the course entity for the alternative course that they have credit for or could take as an alternative and get credit for in the future. Then if they take the course listed as an equivalent, they will automatically get credit for the course on which you placed it.
Example: If you have added a “NEW COURSE” and want to give automatic credit to people who’ve completed “OLD COURSE”, edit NEW COURSE and add OLD COURSE as an equivalent. People who completed OLD COURSE in the past will get credit for NEW COURSE and it will show as an equivalent on their Training History almost immediately.
To create an equivalency rule:
If you just have a single course entered in the rule, you can simply place the letter associated with it in the rule field by itself.
To remove an equivalency rule:
Did you know?
If you delete a rule entity and then add another, the letter associated with the old one is not re-used. For instance, if you delete the entity associated with A, if you replace it, the next entry will use the next available letter. This is to keep an audit trail of how the rule has changed.