Foundations: Roles and Their Functions

Learn how the roles you assign to learners and managers impacts the features and capabilities they have when working in the LMS.

Roles and Their Function

Roles are used to define the functions a user can perform in LatitudeLearning® at the profile organizational levels to which the roles are assigned. While the LMS Managerial Reporting Hierarchy determines a person’s ability to see and take action for direct and indirect subordinate relationships, role assignment controls which tools a user can access based on their training responsibilities. User profiles require Role assignment at each organization, so portal administrators can control where in the LMS they want each user to exercise the assigned privileges.

Note: An easy way to differentiate roles versus positions is: For a specific profile, roles determine what a person can DO in the LMS. Positions determine who a person can SEE and manage to the extent their role allows it.


Administrative Roles

The following roles are considered administrative and have varying measures of system access to functionality and configurations. 

The Portal Administrator role is the most powerful role available to Latitude clients. Users with this role can perform all functions of the LMS, including site management and data configuration. For maximum access and visibility of the entire training portal and all users, a person should have a Company-level profile with the portal administrator role and the highest position, such as TRA (Training Administrator). For details on the Portal Administrator role  see [link to detailed Portal Admin Document]

The Administrator role grants user access to some training administration tools, but no access to site management configurations. The Administrator role allows portal admins to delegate tasks that cannot be automated, like sending announcements, helping with pending approvals, and providing end-user support. If enabled, Administrators can use Manage Users to help maintain user records. User visibility will also be a function of the positions and organization oversight the Administrator is assigned. Assigning the Administrator role at higher levels like Company, Business Unit, or Division to easily give broader access to a greater population of users. For details on the Administrator role  see [link to detailed Admin Document]

The Instructor role is designed for people who conduct live training events in-person or online. This role allows them to review course interest lists, schedule class offerings, conduct live training sessions, and process rosters. Instructors can also assist portal admins in managing classroom training facilities, rooms and equipment within their assigned organizations.

For details on the Instructor role  see [link to detailed Instructor Document]

The Location Administrator role can manage and report on training activities within an organization.

They get a short list of powerful tools that enable them to support training managers and track compliance status. If enabled, Location Administrators can use Manage Users to help maintain user profiles under their purview. This role is usually assigned at Location level profiles, allowing users to manage training plans, run reports, and coordinate resources for a single organization or department within an organization. For details on the Location Administrator role  see [link to detailed Location Administrator Document]

Manager Roles

The following role is considered managerial.

Location Manager has limited access to features that are not available to students, such as reporting and goal assignment, if enabled. This role relies heavily on the My Team dashboard, where a number of LMS features help them oversee their list of employees, assign training goals, and track team progress toward requirements. For details on the Location Manager role  see [link to detailed Location Manager Document]

Learner Roles

The following are considered learner roles.

Student is a role assigned to every user in the system by default. It establishes the base-level privileges to log in and complete training. The vast majority of users are students, responsible for consuming training materials and completing assignments. While the student experience is very customizable, they can usually search both Course and Resource catalogs, enroll in and launch courses they are eligible to take, as well as view the Training Calendar to register for live training events. 

Students can check their outstanding training requirements on the Courses to Complete or My Learning pages, tackle certification objectives from the Skills page, and print Certificates of Completion from their Training History. 

For details on the Student role see [link to detailed Student role  Document]

The Guest role is rarely used and is only useful for clients who have implemented our Public Course Catalog add-on option. The role should never be assigned outside of this purpose because standard LMS functions are not designed to work with the Guest role.


  • Administrative Roles
  • Manager Roles
  • Learner Roles

Useful Links

  • Roles and Access to System Functionality