eLearning Courses

This document assumes preliminary understanding of the basic steps to Add a Course. It covers additional fields exposed upon selecting eLearning as the Delivery Method and the additional tabs exposed after saving the record.

Feature Overview and Requirements

Determine if Your eLearning Content is Compatible

Our Learning Management System is SCORM 1.2 and 2004 compliant. Hosting only SCORM-conformant content helps to ensure proper communication between the course and the LMS for launch and status tracking.

The LMS does not require use of a specific course authoring tool (e.g. Articulate, Captivate, Lectora), but instead relies on industry course development and communication standards. LatitudeLearning does not provide eLearning content support. All questions and concerns regarding course behavior and transcript results should be directed to the course developer or the support staff for your authoring tool.

Prepare a SCORM-conformant Content File for Upload

When you are ready to publish an eLearning course from your authoring tool, be sure to select the standard for LMS Output SCORM 1.2 or SCORM 2004 (1st, 2nd, and 3rd editions). The LMS Reporting Statuses Passed/Incomplete and Passed/Failed both work. If scoring problems arise, republish with Passed/Failed if offered by the authoring tool.

Additional basic requirements to promote successful content deployment in the LMS:

  • The SCORM output file must be in a .ZIP format. Other zip formats, such as .7S are not supported.
  • There is a SCORM file size limit of 360 MB. For files exceeding that size, contact Latitude ClientCare for a cost estimate to upload one or more oversized courses.
  • There are several places in the LMS information and the authored course content which must not include special characters (e.g. @, $, &, etc.) Note: Allowable characters are alphanumeric (A-Z and 0-9), hyphen (-), and underscore (_). Some non-English alphabetic characters may cause issues and if load fails, look for those.
    • The course code in the LMS
    • The filename of the SCORM output .ZIP file, which should also not include spaces.
    • On some occasions, areas within the authored content itself, including the titles and identifiers that may be part of the publishing settings. Depending on how the content is authored, it could pose a potential problem if they exist in quiz titles, question titles, answer choices, or any place where interactional and navigational data in the SCORM/XML files could be suspect.

The eLearning authoring tool you use for zipping content can impact the folder structure and therefore the location of the SCORM XML manifest file. After your content is zipped, ensure that the “imsmanifest.xml” file is located in the root of the zipped file, not within any of the file’s folders. The figure below shows an example of correct and incorrect placement of the manifest file. [Insert Image example of manifest placement]

THE USER EXPERIENCE: Uploading New Content to an Existing Course

The LMS allows Portal Administrators to upload new content to an existing eLearning course at any time. However, before doing so, consider the impact on student users.

  • Users who have never enrolled in the course or have enrolled but never launched will get the new content with no issues.
  • If you did not deploy the content using the Clear Progress flag, users who have launched the course with the older content may have bookmarking and SCORM CMI data associated with the original launch. It is possible that relaunching the course with new content may lead to launch issues, including 102 Sequencing errors. This is because the LMS is unable to match where they left off in the original content now that new content is in place. LatitudeLearning ClientCare can clear CMI data associated if provided the username and course code. Canceling the enrollment and re-enrolling will also fix the issue.

Content Support: When to Contact LatitudeLearning

LatitudeLearning® does not provide extensive eLearning content support. If you have tried troubleshooting issues but cannot determine why content will not launch properly in your LMS, please contact LatitudeLearning ClientCare® only after you have:

  • Thoroughly reviewed our training materials
  • Reached out to your authoring tool’s Support team for guidance
  • Verified that your course is behaving correctly in SCORM Cloud. Success there does not always ensure success in the LMS, but it can help identify major issues that are in the course before getting it to the LMS. SCORM Cloud allows free testing for courses below a certain size.

If the SCORM file fails to upload, it is usually because a) the ZIP file was larger than the allowed 360 MB size limit, b) special characters were found in the file name or key locations in the content, or c) the placement of the imsmanifest.xlm file in the zipped content is incorrect. Review these items and try loading a file at least twice before contacting the ClientCare team with questions.


  • Feature Overview and Requirements
  • Step-by-Step and Field Descriptions
  • FAQs



  • Add a Course
  • Prerequisites
  • Equivalencies
  • Update/Series
  • Enroll Others

Step by Step Procedure and Field Description

These steps cover the eLearning/SCORM-specific actions necessary to continue course configuration for eLearning delivery method courses in addition to those found on the general Add a Course page.
The following are found on the Add Course or Edit Course pages.

General Information Section

  1. *Delivery Method: Select eLearning. This is only possible during course creation.
  2. Can Relaunch: Select Yes or No to indicate whether students can relaunch course content after achieving a completed status for the purpose of review. Default: Yes

Note: This allows review of course content without getting a new transcript. If the course content allows quiz retries, a student could relaunch to improve a failed score. The best score is always saved.

  1. Click Add Course or Submit (during Edit Course) to save.


Pre-deployment steps to add a SCORM package to the course. 

[Insert screenshot of SCORM tab]

  1. Open the SCORM tab.
  2. Click Choose File to select and upload a SCORM-compliant .zip file under the 360 MB size limit.
  3. *Deployment Type: Select the type of deployment requested. Default is Full Package and this is the recommended setting.
  4. *Language: Select the Language relevant to the SCORM package being deployed.

Note:  Load additional language versions after others have completed processing by selecting a new language and translated SCORM package. To learn more about multi-language SCORM options, watch this [Insert VIDEO Link]

  1. Validate Sequencing: Disabled by default. Enable only if there are issues with course launch caused by lack of or incomplete sequencing produced in some authoring tools. Rarely necessary.
  2. Clear Progress: Disabled by default. Enable if overwriting the existing SCORM content to clear the SCORM CMI data for users who are currently in-progress in or have completed a previous version of the course. This eliminates potential synchronization errors in the progress bookmarking between the old and new versions.
  3. Enable Navigation: Disabled by default which is the recommended setting. When enabled, this responsive menu opens collapsed by default and  provides one-click navigation between each SCO (shareable content object) within the course. 

Note:  This is only relevant for some clients using specifically-developed Multi-SCO courses, Instructional designers normally include navigation menus inside in the course.

  1. Validate Sequencing: Disabled by default. Enable only if there are issues with course launch caused by lack of or incomplete sequencing produced in some authoring tools. Rarely necessary.
  2. Clear Progress: Disabled by default. Enable if overwriting the existing SCORM content to clear the SCORM CMI data for users who are currently in-progress in or have completed a previous version of the course. This eliminates potential synchronization errors in the progress bookmarking between the old and new versions.
  3. Enable Navigation: Disabled by default which is the recommended setting. When enabled, this responsive menu opens collapsed by default and  provides one-click navigation between each SCO (shareable content object) within the course. 

Post-Deployment Testing

Once content is deployed successfully, you can test launch it without enrolling.

[insert image of SCORM tab test launch area]

  1. Launch Language: Default is English. Modify to match the SCORM package language upload to test.
  2. Debugging/Show Debug Info: Disabled by default. Enable to capture SCORM debugging information while navigating through the course in test mode. 
  3. Optionally click Clear Test Progress to reset the SCORM CMI data for the test launch only.
  4. Click Test Launch to launch and review the currently loaded SCORM file.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why didn't my SCORM package load?

Please review the requirements in Prepare a  SCORM-conformant Content File for Upload section above to ensure your file is LMS-compliant.

Why are students having problems completing a course?

If your course launches correctly in the LMS, but all or some users are having difficulty getting a successful completion, these are common issues:

  • The LMS window and the course content “launch” window/tab must be open concurrently. If a student closes the LMS window, the SCORM engine cannot properly update score and status.
  • Any interruption in network connectivity while a student is taking the course can interrupt or disconnect communication of status between the LMS and the course.
  • Course configuration in the authoring tool may be problematic:
    • Success/completion factors are not being fully met by the student. Making them aware of the success factors or helping create navigation and workflows that guide them toward full completion can help.
    • The student does not navigate or exit the course in a way that triggers submission of final status or score to the LMS. For instance, if a final “Finish” button submits scores to the LMS but the user simply closes the course window.
    • Publishing settings such as “Report status to LMS as” can cause issues with the LMS and may need to be altered if initial attempts fail. These are the settings that tell the system to report as “Passed/Incomplete”, “Passed/Failed”, “Complete/Incomplete”, etc. Using “Passed/Incomplete” is usually successful.