Assign Ad-Hoc Accreditation Goals

Ad hoc accreditation goals allow portal administrators and managers, if configured to do so, to create one-time goal assignments for one of more accreditations. These are not run on a schedule, but if auto-enrollment is enabled, can be a way of auto-enrolling users into accreditation-related courses while allowing their managers to track goal progress on the My Team page.

Feature Overview and Requirements

This document explains how to use the Goal Wizard to define user criteria, select one or more accreditation-related training goals, and process the one-time goal assignment. The wizard guides portal administrators through each step of the goal creation process, providing simple navigation options and ensuring correct configuration along the way.


Setting goals of any kind for an accreditation requires that the assignees meet the requirements for eligibility. If users are selected for the goal, but do not qualify based on the position groups, brands, or other restrictions set on the accreditations involved, they will not be assigned the goal.

Step by Step Procedure and Field Description

Create an Ad Hoc Accreditation Goal with the Goal Wizard

To add a Goal Rule, navigate to the Administration menu >Manage Goals > Goals, and then click +Goal.

  1. User Filter — Define the criteria that will pull up the users you want to assign the accreditation goal. Create filters to find users who meet the stated selection criteria will be ultimately be assigned the Goal. These statements are separated by an implied “AND” so be careful to confirm the logic of your filters.
    Click Next.
  1. Preview — Displays the current population of users who will be assigned the goal based on the criteria established in Step 1.  Preview the results and click Next to continue. Click Previous to refine user filters and view updated results until the list shows your expected results. 
  1. Training Goal — Select a Goal Type = Accreditation and choose one or more Accreditations which comprise the goal.
    — Setting a Due Date requirement will allow graphic indicators and notifications to occur for users and managers when goal completion is past due. Pick a static Date for requirements that have a hard due date regardless of the assignment date. If the due date is a specific number of days based on the assignment date, use Due in Days.
    — Optionally set Days Before Due Date to Send a Reminder message to the assignees.  Entries should be whole numbers representing the number of days, separated by commas. For example: 7,5,1 would initiate reminders 7, 5, and 1 day prior to the due date maturing.
    — Click Next to continue.
  1. Confirmation — Review and confirm your goal setup. Click the step name or corresponding edit buttons to return to earlier steps and view detailed information.
  2. Click Run to assign the goal to the designated users.

Automate Enrollments for Assigned Accreditation Goals

Before you start

It’s important to understand that once auto-enrollment based on goals takes place, if a goal is removed from a user through deletion, waiver, or no longer requiring the assignment, the goal can go away, but all enrollments that occurred because of the auto-enrollment remain. 

The enrollments, if no longer needed, must be manually cancelled by a portal administrator or by the user.

You can automate enrollment in courses that are assigned by a goal, regardless of whether it was an ad-hoc accreditation goal or from a accreditation goal rule.

  1. From the Administration menu, navigate to Site Management > LMS Information > Goals Configuration section.
  2. Enable Automate Interests from Goals.
  3. Click Submit.

After an accreditation goal is assigned ad-hoc or via a rule, interests will shortly thereafter be created for the courses for each user assigned the accreditation. After the interest is created, processing time to turn it into an automatic enrollment will vary depending on how many requests are in the queue and the results of standard eligibility checking. Students will not be enrolled if they are not eligible to take the course due to course catalog access, pending prerequisites, and pending approvals. After prerequisites and approvals are met, the process of auto-enrollment will continue.

After Goals Are Assigned

If a user is assigned an accreditation goal of any kind, any manual or automatic enrollments are still subject to eligibility checks before enrollment can take place.  The goal can remain assigned, but the situation preventing enrollment needs to be addressed. It may show as “pending” a variety of situations including:

  • Prerequisites: Enrollment can’t happen until prerequisites are met. 
  • Approval: Enrollment may require approval prior to enrollment.
  • Already Completed: If a course is set to Once Only enrollment and the student has already completed it in the past, the only way to enroll them on a new transcript is to expire the existing transcript.
  • If the goal includes classroom courses and the offerings do not allow auto-enrollment, the student will be required to select one manually. 
  • If the accreditation’s generic rule Evaluation Types are anything but Completion (requiring ALL be completed), the auto-enrollments won’t take place. The LMS can’t enroll people in electives because it can’t determine which the user wants to take.