Process Past Course Offerings

Feature Overview and Requirements

Sometimes situations exist in which transcript records must be created for course offerings that took place in the past. Portal Administrators are the only LMS users who can use the “Add a New Transcript” form to create ad hoc history records for students. This feature allows them to manually create a transcript for an existing course in the catalog, which becomes part of the user’s permanent training history.

Step by Step Procedure and Field Description 


  1. From the left navigation menu, select Users > Search Users and conduct a search based on user information.
  2. Click Edit User Profile for the account to which you want to add training history.
  3. From the “User Details” page, select the History tab to conduct a search on the user’s transcript history.
  4. Edit an existing transcript, or click the Add a New Transcript link near the bottom of the page to create a transcript.
  1. Complete the Add Transcript form as described below, noting that all required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Transcript Section

  • Course: Populate the course related to the transcript you are adding.
  • Number of Attempts: Enter the number of times the student has attempted the course.
  • Score Date: Enter the date on which the transcript status was achieved or the user’s score was recorded.
  • Location: Select which Location, in the user’s profile, is related to this transcript. This field defaults to the user’s Primary Location assignment.
  • Instructor: Record who instructed the offering related to this transcript.
  • Status: Select the user’s current progress point within the course. For a past offering, the common statuses are: Attend(Pass), Attend No Bill(Pass), or Fail.
  • Written/Practical/Final Test Scores: Populate all numeric scores you want associated with the transcript.
  • General Note: Provide notes that you want to associate with the Training History or Transcript Audit process.
  • Expiration Date: Enter a date that expires or inactivates a transcript, if desired.

Transcript Documents Section

  • Name: Enter a title or brief description of the transcript-related document being attached to the record.
  • File Path: Attach an external file to the transcript record. Maximum size allowed is 180 MB.
  1. Click Submit to save changes. A message at the top of the page will confirm when your transcript has been successfully added.

Create or Re-Open a Past Offering and Manage the Roster

To record past attendance for a classroom Offering that took place offline or was otherwise unscheduled in the LMS, you can use existing Roster Management functionalities to add training history to multiple user profiles. Authorized administrators (i.e. Portal Administrator, Administrator, Instructor roles) must first add a course Offering scheduled in the past, and then manage the Roster in the same manner they would manage one for a current or future Offering.

  1. To create a new offering, from the left navigation menu, select Courses => Add Offering. For detailed instructions on creating new offerings, please see related document: Adding Classroom Courses and Offerings.
  2. After creating an offering, use the Enroll Others option to select and add targeted users to the Roster.
  1. Once you have enrolled students in an offering that occurred in the past, a message at the bottom of the enrollment confirmation page will prompt you to process the roster now. Follow the prompt by clicking Yes or process it any time by selecting the Process Roster tab.
  1. From the Process Roster tab, select a transcript Status for each student: Attend (Pass), Fail, Incomplete, No Show, Ineligible, or Attend No Bill (Pass). You may also add a Pretest score, a Posttest score, and Notes about the student transcript.
  2. After entering the appropriate information, click Submit to save changes.
  1. Upon submitting the roster, a system message will confirm that all users have been successfully processed and grant the option of closing the offering. Click Yes to complete the process and record the new transcript as part of these users’ history.

This approach is ideal for administrators who want to add course transcripts to multiple user profiles in batches. It can also quicken the process of manual entry via the “Use this offering as a template for a new offering…” options available under the Action tab of an Offering. Please note that using an offering as a template requires that all its data elements (e.g. course, user, facility, etc) are in Active status with start dates that precede the date of the offering you are attempting to schedule.